SAP Program RPAPL004 - Applicants by action

This report enables you to display a list of the applicant actionscarried out for each applicant. If you specify the parameter 1+,the system selects all applicants whose last action has a "1" at thestart of its key, i.e. "10", "11", "12" etc. In the standard systemthese are the actions for Initial entry of basic data.

The list contains the following data:

  • Applicant number

  • Name of applicant

  • Action performed for applicant

  • Applicant status

  • Personnel officer responsible for application

  • You can delimit the length of the list displayed by specifyingselection criteria in the initial screen.
    In the Receipt of application field you can specify that thesystem is only to select applicants who have applied within the periodin question. If you enter a date here the system only selectsapplications which were received on this date.
    Data selection period enables you to determine the period forwhich an applicant's data records are read. If you enter the currentdate in this field you can edit the data records from the list.