SAP Program ROIACM40 - Check program: Comparison "Update QS qty. <--> document flow"

Check program: Comparison of "updated QS quantity with document flow"

This report lists quantity differences or possible inconsistenciesbetween the document flow and the updated quantity schedule.

There are several options to restrict and limit the selection ofdocuments to be analyzed. You can also list detailed information forthe updated flow records (use this option only for a restricted numberof listed documents).

The summarized quantities for the document flow and the updatedquantity schedule are listed for each "difference document".


  • By double clicking on each listed item, you can branch directly to the
  • assigned document. Additionally, if a particular item has a documentflow quantity and a calculated difference quantity, the system showsthis data in an information message.
    • Check the original document or branch to the QS item for further
    • analysis. Each time you call up the QS from the original document, theQS checks again for differences. Sometimes when you call up the QS, thesystem displays a message about the quantity difference
      • From the QS screen, you can also:

      • Check if oil materials are affected (for example due to quantityconversion differences that result from using various units of measure)
        Branch to the document flow
        Branch to related contracts
        Branch to the QCI desktop calculator for oil materials
        ... for further analysis.
        • Additionally in the QS, you can double-click the called off or
        • delivered quantity field (only if a quantity is available):
          For each schedule line item with a quantity - the system displaysdocuments for the corresponding period of time.
          In the summarization field (with quantity) - the system displays allsubsequent documents.