SAP Program RNUZUZ_XBLNR_FILL - IS-H: Correction Report - Fill XBLNR for Copayment Documents

Correction report: Fill field XBLNR for copayment documents
The report is relevant for the country version Germany only.

The report can only be used if the components IS-H and FI are running onthe same SAP system.

The report fills the field XBLNR in copayment documents, if only onevalid insurance relationship requiring copayment exists for the case.
The report changes

  • Copayment requests (collection procedure)

  • Copayments (collection procedure)

  • Copayment transfer postings and their transfer posting documents (only
  • if the insurance provider item of the transfer posting document has notyet been cleared)
    • Incoming payment document for the copayment (receivable procedure)

    • Repayments are not processed.
      The report can be highly runtime-intensive if an extensive postingperiod is selected. For this reason, please run the report in thebackground.