SAP Program RNUTN20KN - IS-H: Import Class-to-Service Assignment (TN20K)

This report imports class-to-service assignments into the IS-H tableTN20K.

The file you want to import must be in a local directory and comply withthe DDIC structure ISH_S_TN20K_IMP in CSV format (separator ";").
Specify the name of the file to be imported and the institution on theselection screen.
The system determines the catalog ID for the in-house service catalog.

You can run the program in test mode or in production mode.
The program runs the following checks for each data record:

  • Format- and plausibility check for valid-from and valid-to date

  • Check if specified services are valid services in the in-house service
  • catalog
    • Check if the SAP system already contains entries for this class and the
    • specified period (if the "Delete Existing Entries" indicator is set, thesystem issues a warning, otherwise it issues an error).
      The system output the results of all the checks as a traffic light inthe results list. You can access a detail log by double-clicking on thetraffic light.
      The system only imports records that are error-free and when the programis run in production mode.