SAP Programs

Program Text
RNPFBC0F IS-H: Absence Times
RNPFBC0G IS-H: Outpatient Visits
RNPFBC0H IS-H: Quick Admissions
RNPFBC0I IS-H: Emergency Admissions
RNPFBC0J IS-H: Inpatient Waiting List
RNPFBC0K IS-H: Outpatient Waiting List
RNPFBC0L IS-H: Outpatient Emergency Cases
RNPFKL00 IS-H: Evaluation Program for Case Classification
RNPKAV01 IS-H: Evaluation Program for Medical Record Archive
RNPKAV02 IS-H: Create Medical Record via Movement List
RNPKAV03 IS-H: Create Reminder for Medical Record
RNPKAV04 IS-H: Borrow Medical Records: List of Requested Medical Records
RNPKAV05 IS-H: Transfer Medical Record By Borrowing List
RNPKAV06 IS-H: Process Temporary Medical Records: List of Records Returned
RNPKAV07 IS-H: Borrow Medical Records via Movement Lists
RNPORG00 IS-H: Release Organizational Units for Institution &
RNPPENDL IS-H: Patient Traffic List
RNPRAMB0 IS-H: Outpatient Clinic Management: Print Patient Sched. Appointments
RNPRAMB1 IS-H: Collective Print of Appointment Notifications
RNPRIAU0 IS-H: Collective Print Admission/Discharge Notifications
RNPRUEFZ IS-H: Activate/Deactivate the Check Digit Procedure
RNPWAL00 IS-H: Enhanced Waiting List
RNREFRDT IS-H: List Referring/Postdischarge Hospitals
RNREPA00 IS-H: Maintenance Level Upgrade Support 2.2
RNREPO00 IS-H: Call Reporting Tree
RNREPORT IS-H: Report Control - Selection
RNSDTCOD IS-H: Program for Calling SD Customizing Function Pricing
RNSE1PLUS IS-H DE: E1plus-Statistik
RNSE2 IS-H DE: E2/E3.2-Statistik
RNSE31 IS-H DE: E3.1-Statistik (Fallbez. Entgelte nach §6(1)/§6(2) KHEntgG)
RNSE33 IS-H DE: E3.3-Statistik (Tagesbezogene Entgelte nach §6(1) KHEntgG)
RNSESP1 IS-H ES: CMBD and CMA Statistics (Discharges/Outpat. Surgeries)
RNSEZG01 IS-H: Geographical Area Statistics
RNSK5201 IS-H: BPflV K5.2 - Determine Standard Billing Days
RNSKHSTATV2005 IS-H DE: KHStatV 2005 (S1, S2, S5)
RNSKHSTATV2006 IS-H DE: KHStatV 2005 (S1, S2, S5)
RNSKHSTATV2007 IS-H DE: KHStatV 2007 (S1, S2, S5)
RNSL101 IS-H: BPflV L 1 - Diagnosis Statistics
RNSL102 IS-H: BPflV 1995 L 1 - Patient Census Statistics of the Hospital
RNSL302 IS-H: BPflV 1995 L 3 - Patient Census Statistics of Departments
RNSL302F IS-H: Occupancy Data of Departmental Organizational Unit
RNSL302P IS-H: Occupancy Data of Nursing Organizational Unit
RNSL402 IS-H: BPflV 1995 L 4 - Diagnosis Statistics
RNSL502 IS-H: BPflV 1995 L 5 - Surgical Procedures Statistics
RNSMNS01 IS-H: Midnight Census Statistics
RNSMNS02 IS-H: Midnight Census Statistics - Row Version
RNSMNS0T IS-H: Midnight Census Statistics - Individual Case Display
RNSNLSU1 IS-H: Service Statistics
RNSS101 IS-H: BPflV S 1 - Patient Census Statistics
RNSS401 IS-H: BPflV S 4 - Statistical Key Figures of Departments
RNSS401T IS-H: BPflV S 4 - Stat. Key Figures of Departments - Ind. Case Displ.
RNSSA9_2004 IS-H DE: KHStatV SA 91 - Erhebung zur Diagnosenstatistik 2004
RNSSA9_2005 IS-H DE: KHStatV SA 9 - Erhebung zur Diagnosenstatistik 2005
RNSSA9_2006 IS-H DE: KHStatV SA 9 - Erhebung zur Diagnosenstatistik 2006
RNSSA9_2007 IS-H DE: KHStatV SA 9 - Erhebung zur Diagnosenstatistik 2007
RNSSU01 IS-H: Create Totals File for Service Statistics
RNSTEO00 IS-H: Cancel Billing Documents for External Orders
RNTTEMPL IS-H: Template Report Conform with IS-H Technology
RNUABGL0 IS-H: Adjust Services with End Date after Discharge Date
RNUABMEN IS-H: Check Billed Quantities
RNUABMES IS-H: Check Billed Quantities
RNUABRKZ IS-H: Adjust Billable Indicator in Service Master Record
RNUACPINIT IS-H: Initialize Accrual for Final Billed Cases
RNUACPINIT_CORR IS-H: Set Document Number for Accrual
RNUANZ_CHECK IS-H: Check Down Payment Document (SAP System Internal)
RNUAPP02 IS-H: Reorganize Provisional Appointments
RNUAPPMV IS-H: Move Appointments in Visit Scheduling
RNUARC00 IS-H: Archiving - Create Variants for Dependent Archiving Objects
RNUBEWNR IS-H: Determine Correct Movement Number for Generated Services
RNUBFORM IS-H: Determine Valuation Formula/Charge Type for All Services
RNUCHREA IS-H SG: Specify Change Reasons for Data Modifications by User
RNUCNPMC IS-H: SG NPMI Reconstruct Original Status of Risk Information
RNUCNPMP IS-H: SG NPMI Change Risk Information Communication Status
RNUCNPMR IS-H: SG Request NPMI Risk Information
RNUCSTAT IS-H: Update Statistics for IS-H Tables
RNUCURR1 IS-H: Translate Column Values of Catalogs at Currency Changeover
RNUDAB00 IS-H: Patient Accounting : Invoice Deletion Program, FOR TESTING ONLY
RNUDAB01 IS-H: Delete Canceled and Completed Billing Documents
RNUDALE01 IS-H: Rücksetzen Nachrichtenstatus DALE-UV (D2D)
RNUDELFO IS-H: Delete Form Log Records
RNUDIAG2 IS-H: ICD-9 Target Catalog - Import Program
RNUDIAG3 IS-H: ICD-10 Target Catalog - Import Program
RNUDIAG4 IS-H: ICD-10 Import Report
RNUDIAGC IS-H: Copy Diagnosis Coding Catalog
RNUDIAGUPPER IS-H: Change Lower Case Letters in Diagnosis Code to Upper Case
RNUDIA_BEW_STORN IS-H: Cancel Diagnoses for Canceled Movements
RNUDLS00 IS-H: Auxil. Program (Test): Delete Services from Service Catalog
RNUDNKIP IS-H: Delete Duplicate Entries in Table NKIP for Unique Index
RNUDRG01 IS-H: Copy DRG Catalog into In-House Service Catalog
RNUDRG0A IS-H: Data Exchange with DRG Grouper for Multiple Cases
RNUD_NKSK_NKSP_LFDNR_INITIAL IS-H: Cancel Incorrect Insurance Coverage (SAP Note 652958)
RNUEBER1 IS-H: Limit Extended Service With Substituting Service
RNUEIS Transfer Data IS-H -> EIS
RNUEIS_FUNCTION_MODULE_TEST Test Function Module for Transferring Data from IS-H into EIS
RNUENDAB IS-H: Final Billed Cases With IV Documents in Status Request
Lines 35201 to 35300 of 57103 entries
1 351 352 353 354 355 572