SAP Program RNUPAEN0 - IS-H: Cancel Invoices for Services with Retroactive Price Changes

Retroactive price changes for services may give rise to invoice itemswith incorrect amounts. The price of a service changes when the elementsused to determine the price as part of the billing procedure change.These price determination elements include:

  • The basic price of a service

  • Conditions used to calculate surcharges or discounts

  • You cannot correct invoices that contain services that were billed forwith an incorrect price. You must either cancel the entire invoice (fullcancellation), or cancel only the items affected (partial cancellation),and bill the case again.
    You can use this program to determine and cancel the invoice items forservices whose price has been changed retroactively.
    The program does not calculate the price when determining the invoicesto be canceled. In other words, it selects the invoices on the basis ofthe specified selection criteria, and does not check whether the changein the price of a service contained in the invoice gives rise to adifferent billing price. For further information, please refer toexample 2.

    Selection criteria
    Enter the services (from the in-house service catalog) whose price hasbeen changed retroactively in the Changed services field on theselection screen. In the Retroactive price change from field,enter the date from which this change applies. The program then usesthis information to select the invoices to be canceled by determiningall of the invoices that were created after the specified change dateand which contain invoice items for the changed services.
    You can further restrict this invoice selection using the followingcriteria:

    • Case selection

    • You can restrict the selection to invoices for cases that are containedin a particular case selection by entering the name of this caseselection in the Case Selection field.
      • Case number

      • To restrict your selection to invoices from individual cases, enter theappropriate case numbers in the Case field.
        • Billing date

        • You can restrict your selection to invoices with a certain billing dateby entering the required date or period in the Billing datefield.
          • Invoice creation date

          • By entering a date or period in the Invoice created on field, youcan restrict your selection to invoices that were created on a certaindate, or during a certain period.
            • Billing document number

            • You can also select the invoices to be canceled by entering the billingdocument number in the Document field. Invoices from other caseswhich you have selected by specifying the case numbers or by means of acase selection are then not determined.
              Note that the specified billing documents are only determined andcanceled if they contain invoice items for the specified changedservices and if these were performed on or after the billing date.

              Program Settings
              The selection screen also contains various program settings:

              • Execute with/without dialog

              • You can cancel the invoices determined either with or without dialog.
                If you do not flag the Execute without dialog option, the programdoes not automatically cancel the invoices determined. It first liststhe relevant invoices. Those that can be canceled are selected bydefault. You can deselect those invoices that you do not want to cancel.
                If you flag the Execute without dialog option, the system cancelsthe invoices immediately without first displaying the list of invoices.
                • Date of the cancellation document

                • You can specify the date of the cancellation documents that are to becreated in the Date of cancellation doc. field. If you leave thisfield blank, or if the date you specify is before the billing date ofthe invoice, the billing date is used as the cancellation date.
                  • Printing the cancellation documents

                  • If you select Form print of, the cancellationdocuments are printed automatically after invoice cancellation. Notethat forms can only be printed in dialog mode nd not in backgroundprocessing.
                    You can print the cancellation documents in test mode by selectingTest print. In this case, the system does not flag the documentsas having already been printed.
                    If you select Single print control, the print selection iscontrolled on a cancellation basis, that is, a spool order is createdfor each cancellation. This is necessary if the number of copies percancellation is to vary depending on the insurance provider, forexample. If the print control is to be identical for all cancellationdocuments and provided that you do not want to archive the cancellationdocuments, you should not select this option. The print control definedfor the insurance provider is then used.
                    If you want the cancellation documents to be archived automatically whenthe forms are printed, select Single print control. Make surethat Test print is not selected, since the cancellation documentscan only be archived when the forms are printed in live mode.
                    Note that the cancellation documents are only archived if thecorresponding invoice form has been activated for archiving in theIS-H Implementation Guide.
                    • Full or partial cancellation

                    • You can perform either a full or partial cancellation for the invoicesin question. Please refer to the following documentation:
                      The documentation for program RNASTO01 describes the procedure forperforming a full cancellation.
                      The documentation for program RNASTO02 describes the procedure forperforming a partial cancellation.
                      • Updating the case selection

                      • Cases for which invoices have been canceled can be updated in a caseselection. You can then use this case selection later as a basis forbilling the cases again. Enter the name of the required case selection.
                        If you do not specify a case selection, the program proposes theselection that you have stored in the billing parameters in Customizingfor IS-H.
                        Subsequent invoices are present if more than one invoice exists for acase and for each payer due to interim billing. If you have specifiedthe invoices to be cancelled via the document numbers or only selectedindividual invoices for canceling in the list of invoices displayed indialog mode, the system also automatically cancels any subsequentinvoices. This ensures that there are no gaps in the billing sequence ofa case.
                        To see the invoices that will actually be canceled, choose Teston the list of invoices found by the system. This function is onlyavailable if the program is executed in dialog (interactive) mode.
                        Note for R/2 Systems
                        If your Financial Accounting module runs on an R/2 System, theadditional checkbox R2/RF: update immediately features on theprogram selection screen.
                        If you flag this option, the relevant invoice numbers are immediatelytransferred into RF. The document numbers assigned there are then thereturned and the billing document header document is updatedaccordingly. If communication is free of error, after the billingdocument run all invoice fields are filled as if your Financial Acc
                        ounting module were running on an SAP system.
                        If you do not flag this option, you have to execute program RNACRF00 toretrieve the Financial Accounting document numbers from R2/RF and updatethe billing document header with them.
                        Caution: If your Financial Accounting module runs on an R/2 System, anumber of settings for communication between the systems must be made.For further information about these settings, refer to the IS-HImplementation Guide.

                        The following selection criteria must be specified on the selectionscreen:

                        • Institution

                        • Changed services in the in-house service catalog

                        • Date from which the retrospective price change is applicable

                        • You should always specify the creation date of the invoice to restrictthe number of invoice items determined by the system. See example 1.
                          To execute this program, you need the authorization S_PROGRAM and theauthorization group specified in the report attributes.

                          If you execute the program in dialog (interactive) mode, a list of thedocuments that are to be cancelled is output. The list is sortedaccording to case number, insurance provider and document number.Deselect the invoices that you do not want to cancel (paying specialattention to the problem of subsequent invoices).
                          To cancel the selected invoices, choose Cancel. To cancel theinvoices in test mode only, choose Test. The program simplydisplays the invoices that would be canceled in a live run.

                          Example 1
                          The basic price of a personal item has been changed retroactively on01/01/1997. The service master was changed on 04/01/1997. From this dateonwards, only invoices were created in which the personal item wasbilled for using the current basic price.
                          To cancel the relevant invoices, specify the following data on theselection screen:

                          • Institution

                          • Created on: 01/01/1997 to 01/31/1997

                          • Changed services: personal item

                          • Retroactive price change from: 01/01/1997

                          • You do not need to enter the creation period if no invoices containingthe personal item calculated with the correct basic price have beencreated yet since the service master was changed.
                            Example 2
                            If the value of conditions that are calculated for certain services ischanged subsequently, the procedure described in example 1 should alsobe used. Enter all of the services for which the changed condition isused in the Changed services field.
                            If the changed condition is only used for the services in certainsituations (for example, percentage discount on departmental per diemsfor a surgical procedures surcharge), the program determines all of theinvoices that contain items for the changed services from the changedate onwards. The system, however, does not check whether the changedcondition was applied when the service was billed for. For this reason,the system may determine, and cancel invoices in which the items did notchange as a result of the changed condition and therefore did not needto be canceled.