SAP Program RNUKUZU0 - IS-H: Confirm IV Requests

This program confirms IV requests automatically.
On the selection screen, you can specify the key date on which the IVrequests should be confirmed. At most, though, confirmations are givenup until the end date of the service in question.
You can also specify a range of case numbers. This is particularlyuseful for testing.
In test mode, the confirmed requests are displayed, but no changes arewritten to the database.
You should always run the program in test mode first, so that you cancorrect any errors manually.
The log should be printed out, and this hard copy filed.

This program can only confirm IV requests that already exist. It cannotgenerate IV requests for services that have been entered withoutinsurance verification. You can generate IV requests manually, and thenuse this program to confirm them.

A list containing the case number, document number, service andconfirmation period.
Error messages (if any errors occur).
Please run the program in test mode first, and correct any errorsmanually.
Print out the log, and archive this hardcopy for monitoring purposes.