SAP Program RNUDRG0A - IS-H: Data Exchange with DRG Grouper for Multiple Cases

Mass Grouping with DRG Coding and Grouping System

The report IS-H: Data Exchange with DRG Grouper for Multiple Cases
lets you group any number of cases using a DRG coding and groupingsystem in a single processing step.

To execute this report, you require the authorization S_PROGRAM withthe action SUBMIT for the report group N_U_DRG. You also require theauthorization N_EINR_REP for the desired institution and the reportIS-H: Data Exchange with DRG-Grouper for Multiple Cases(RNUDRG0A).
If you have connected an asynchronous DRG coding and grouping system tothe IS-H System, the files to be imported must satisfy the followingconditions:

  • The files must have a format that can be interpreted and processed by
  • your DRG formatting modules (for SAP Standard: 3M tag format,formatting using ISH_DRGCDF_FORMAT_3MTAG_IN)
    • The files to be imported must only contain data pertaining to one case.
    • They must be located on the application server or on the presentationserver. You need to have maintained the exact directories and file namecomposition in IS-H Customizing for the DRG coding and grouping system.
      For information about this, refer to DRGData Exchange in the IS-H Implementation Guide.


      The following selection criteria are available to you in the SelectCase group box:

      • Case Selection

      • You can create this using the report IS-H: Split DRG File intoSeparate Case-Related Files (RNUDRG0B).
        • Case numbers, patient numbers, patients' last names

        • Departmental organizational units, nursing organizational units

        • Admission date, discharge date

        • Billing status

        • Status of medical basic documentation using key and profile

        • Case type using inpatient, day patient and outpatient

        • Information relative to the grouping status of a case:

        • w/o DRG: only cases you have not yet grouped
          with Regroup.Advised: only cases for which the RegroupingAdvised indicator is set and cases you have not yet grouped
          All Despite DRG: all cases regardless of whether they havealready been grouped or not.
          The following options are available to you in the Runtime Options
          group box:
          • If you select Start Grouping Directly or Start Import
          • Directly the system starts the grouping (with synchronous DRG codingand grouping system) or the export (with asynchronous DRG coding andgrouping systems) and import of files without further user interaction.
            • If you select Allow Repeat Export Without Import, the system
            • will export cases when they have already been exported and the resultnot yet imported. This option is only significant for asynchronous DRGcoding and grouping systems.
              • If you select Display Cases From Import Files Only, when files
              • are imported directly, the results list only contains cases that couldactually be found in inbound files and were successfully imported intothe IS-H System. Note that this field is only active if you selectedStart Import Directly. This option is only significant forasynchronous DRG coding and grouping systems.
                • If you select Test Mode: Do Not Save DRG, the grouping result is
                • only displayed in the results list of the report and is not saved inthe database.
                  Note: the Runtime Options and the Layout BeforeGrouping are not saved as part of the extract and apply for thethe current seletion screen.

                  If you did not flag any of the runtime options on the selection screen,the program outputs a list of all cases that match your selectioncriteria.
                  If you selected one of the runtime options:

                  • When a synchronous DRG coding and grouping system is connected, the
                  • system groups the cases, or
                    • When an asynchronous DRG coding and grouping system is connected, the
                    • system exports the DRG data for the cases determined from the selectiondirectly to a file, or
                      • The system imports the files containing relevant cases into the IS-H
                      • System.
                        The program outputs a multilevel list containing all of the casesselected and reporting any errors that may have occurred during theexport or import.

                        If you didn't select any of the runtime options on the selectionscreen, the program displays an overview of the selected cases. Fromthis list, you can now select the cases to be

                        • Grouped (synchronous DRG coding and grouping system)

                        • Exported to a file for transfer to the DRG coding and grouping system
                        • (asynchronous DRG coding and grouping system)
                          • Imported from a file (asynchronous DRG coding and grouping system).

                          • To execute the export or import function, select the relevant cases,and then choose Group, Export DRG Cases, or ImportDRG Data.
                            The result is a multilevel list containing all cases selected andreporting any errors that may have occurred during the import orexport.

355391IS-H RNUDRG0A - error messages N6633 and N6625