SAP Program RNUDIAG4 - IS-H: ICD-10 Import Report

IS-H: ICD-10 Import Program

This program imports the ICD-10 diagnosis coding catalog into the IS-Htable NKDI.

The ASCII file you are importing must be located on the applicationserver either in the fixed column width format or in the DIMDI metadataformat. The fixed column width format is selected by default.
1. Fixed column width format with following row structure

  • 10 characters for the ICD-10 diagnosis code (without +, *, !)

  • 1 character for the diagnosis type (+, *, !)

  • 10 characters for the reference diagnosis code

  • 240 characters for the diagnosis text

  • 1 character for §295, meaning allowed for outpatient cases (P = as
  • primary diagnosis, O = as asterisk diagnosis, Z = as supplementarydiagnosis, V = not allowed)
    • 1 character for §301, meaning allowed for inpatient cases (P = as
    • primary diagnosis, O = as asterisk diagnosis, Z = as supplementarydiagnosis, V = not allowed)
      • 3 characters for a lower age limit in years

      • 3 characters for an upper age limit in years

      • 2. DIMDI metadata format
        The file has no fixed row format. The field values in a row areseparated by semicolons. Each row comprises 27 fields. However, only thefollowing fields are evaluated:
        Field 2: Location of code number in the classification tree, 1 character
        T = terminal code number (transferred)
        N = non-terminal code number (skipped)
        Field 6: Diagnosis code with diagnosis type, up to 7 characters
        Field 9: Diagnosis text, up to 255 characters
        Field 10: Use of code number according to paragraph 295
        P = code number allowed for primary coding
        O = allowed as asterisk code number only
        Z = allowed as exclamation point code number only
        V = not allowed for coding
        Field 11: Use of code number according to paragraph 301
        P = code number allowed for primary coding
        O = allowed as asterisk code number only
        Z = allowed as exclamation point code number only
        V = not allowed for coding
        Field 17: Sex reference of code number
        9 = no sex reference
        M = male
        W = female
        Field 20: lower age limit for a code number, alternative format
        9999 = irrelevant
        t000 - t365 = 0 days to under 1 year
        j001 - j124 = 1 year to under 124 years
        Field 22: upper age limit for a code number, alternative format as forfield 20
        You enter the name of the ICD-10 catalog and the reference catalog, aswell as the name of the file to be imported on the selection screen.
        The system assumes that the data in the file is correct. The importprogram does not run a check on the content. This also means that if thesource file contains codes with - (such as B94.-), these will also betransferred into the database.
        To satisfy default file formats, 240 characters are allotted for thediagnosis text, but only 120 will be transferred into the table NKDI(saved in three fields of 40 characters each).


        If the "Test Mode" indicator is not set, diagnosis master records areadded for the default catalog in the NKDI table.
        When set, the "Log" indicator outputs a log on the screen.
        You can change the records of an existing diagnosis coding catalog byselecting the "Update Target File" option. This applies to the diagosistext, diagnosis type, reference diagnosis code, and catalogfields. Makesure that the field of the relevant entry is deleted from the catalog,if a value is not specified for one of these fields.

170085IS-H: Support of ICD-10 for January 1, 2000