SAP Program RNUAPP02 - IS-H: Reorganize Provisional Appointments

The program reorganizes the table of provisional appointments.Provisional appointments are created in IS-H/ in the followingform:

  • Visit appointments in the visit scheduling function of Outpatient Clinic
  • Management
    • Visit/surgery appointments and inpatient admission appointments in
    • preregistration processing
      • Visit appointments using the planning grid

      • Surgery appointments in the surgery planning function

      • A provisional appointment record contains a compressed andcorrespondingly structured form of patient-, case- and visit data whichenables you to work efficiently with the appointment schedulingfunctions. In addition, the provisional booking of appointments lets youcreate an appointment without reference to a patient, case orvisit/surgery that actually exists in the system.
        Since provisional appointment data is used exclusively in theappointment scheduling functions and elapsed provisional appointmentsare no longer relevant for scheduling, you can periodically run thisprogram in order to delete these elapsed appointments.
        This program also deletes provisional appointments that are scheduledfor preregistrations. The preregistrations for these provisionalappointments remain in the system, but the dates/times scheduled foradmission and surgery or treatment are deleted.

        Provisional appointments are only created for the above mentionedapplication areas. If you do not use these application areas in yoursystem, it is not necessary to reorganize provisional appointments withthis program.

        A success message outputs the number of deleted provisional appointmentsin the job log.