SAP Program RNPKAV03 - IS-H: Create Reminder for Medical Record

This program enables you to create reminders for borrowed medicalrecords that are overdue.

On the selection screen, you can restrict the medical records for whichyou want to create reminders.

  • You can run this program in interactive or background processing mode.

  • In interactive mode, the system first lists the medical records for
  • which reminders are to be created. From this list you can select andprint the reminders.
    • By specifying a printer, you can override the settings in form control
    • or in your user profile.
      Other functions:

      Choose Form.../Standard Form print options
      The Settings menu in the list provides options that enable you tostipulate whether all of the medical record reminder forms defined inthe system are to be made available for form selection or whether thestandard reminder form should be used.
      Whether several reminder forms are defined in your system, or whetheronly one form is flagged as the standard form depends on the Customizingsettings for form control.
      Contact your system administrator, if necessary.

      Test Mode/Production Mode:

      • In Test mode, the system does not update the reminder data
      • (reminder level and date of last reminder). This mode is suitable forreprinting reminders, should problems have occurred with the printer,for example.
        • In Production Mode, the reminder data is updated immediately the
        • reminders are printed:
          The reminder date is the key date you specify on the program selectionscreen
          The system increases the reminder level by one.

          Whether the system includes a borrowed medical record in the reminderlist or not depends on the following conditions:

          • The selection criteria must be satisfied

          • The medical record have the status Borrowed

          • The reminder deadline must be exceeded:

          • If the borrowing date is specified as the reference date for thereminder deadline in the borrowing reason defined in Customizing, thesystem calculated the borrowed-to date by adding the borrowing perioddefined for the borrowing reason to the borrowing date when creating theborrowing episode. If, on the other hand, a borrowing period ismaintained in the borrowing authorization of the borrower, this is usedto calculate the borrowed-to date.
            The reminder deadline is exceeded if the key date is identical to orfalls after the borrowed-to date; for medical records that have alreadybeen the object of a reminder, the key date must be identical to or fallafter the last reminder plus the borrowing duration.
            If the discharge date is specified as the reference date for thereminder deadline in the borrowing reason defined in Customizing, thesystem set the borrowed-to date to 12/31/9999 (highdate) when creatingthe borrowing episode.
            The reminder deadline is exceeded if the key date is identical to orfalls after the discharge date plus the borrowing duration defined forthe borrowing purpose. If, on the other hand, a borrowing period ismaintained in the borrowing authorization of the borrower, this is usedto calculate the reminder deadline.
            For medical records that have already been the object of a reminder, thekey date must be identical to or fall after the last reminder plus theborrowing duration.

            When you run the program in interactive mode, the system displays a listof medical records, for which reminders can be created, that you canprocess.
            If you set the Print Immediate. indicator, the system displays alist of the printed reminders.
            The system does not update the reminder date in test mode.
            When the event ND0600 Create Reminder for Medical Recordoccurs,the system fills and prepares the following data structures for theform:

            • RNF40 borrower data

            • RNF41* borrowing data of a medical record

            • RNF19 (form text module)

            • The structures identified by * are repetition groups.
              Exactly those structures listed are available for the form layout.