SAP Programs

Program Text
RNCHO015 IS-H: Statistische Kennzahlen für Fallaufträge
RNCHUT00 IS-H CH: Import Data for Table TNCH20 (Pension Insurance No.)
RNCHVSTR IS-H CH: Program for View Control
RNCLST01 IS-HCM: Overview of Partner System Configurations
RNCMON00 IS-HCM: System Monitor
RNCMON01 IS-HCM: Display HCM Monitor Status Messages
RNCMON02 IS-HCM: Delete HCM Monitor Old Status Messages
RNCOO0SF PS Network Planning: Fill Table COO0SFN for Application N
RNCPARAS IS-H: Call Parameter Maintenance
RNCPLZ00 IS-H: Maintain Postal Code Table
RNCR2431 IS-HCM: Connection to R/2 (Release 4.3) via CPI-C: 1st program
RNCR2435 IS-HCM: Connection to R/2 (Release 4.3) via CPI-C: 5th program (test)
RNCR2501 IS-HCM: Connection to R/2 (Release 5.0) via CPI-C: 1st program
RNCR2505 IS-HCM: Connection to R/2 (Release 5.0) via CPI-C: 5th program (test)
RNCRXIN IS-HCM:Connect. to R/2: Auxil.program for marking R/2 code w/asterisks
RNCRXOUT IS-HCM:Connect. to R/2: Auxil.program to delete asterisks frm R/2 code
RNCSND01 IS-HCM: Selective Message Dispatch
RNCSND02 IS-HCM ==> old, no longer to be used ==> change to RNCSND01
RNCSTABL IS-H: Call Customizing Views
RNCSVWCL IS-H: Call View Cluster Maintenance
RNCTT000 IS-HCM: Copy IS-H Report Control System-Wide and Client-Wide
RNCTT001 IS-HCM: Compare Message Structures System-Wide
RNCTT002 IS-H: Create Variable Text File User's UNIX Home
RNCTT003 IS-HCM: Check Customizing Shipment
RNCTT100 IS-H: Area Menu NM40/NM41
RNCTT301 IS-H: Backup / Restore EDI Table Contents In / From File
RNCTT301_FILEIN Health insurance message created for an existing case.
RNCTT900 IS-H DE: §301/2 Create Model Environment (Training Preparation Groups)
RNCTT900A IS-H DE: §301 Training: Corrupt Filt for Exercise 4.4
RNCTTCMS IS-H : Set Communication Status for a Case
RNCTTREF IS-H: Change Message Assignment LF301REF
RNCTTWKB IS-H: Test Program to Check NC13 Workbench Display
RNCTT_ADJUSTRECNR IS-H: Change Record Number for EDI Mesages in a File
RNCTT_CCPSSPLIT IS-H: SG: Split CCPS File If Start of Message not Recognized
RNCTT_NC301TX IS-H: Lost Entries in NC301TX
RNCTT_NPMILEGACY IS-H: Initialize Legacy Risk Factors for NPMI
RNCTT_STANDVERSION_COPY IS-HCM: Copy Message Standard Version as New Version
RNCUREFDIAG IS-H: Trigger EDI Event after Ref. Diagnosis Conversion in NDIA
RNCUTL00 IS-HCM: Message Standards (Maintained Message Types)
RNCUTL01 IS-HCM: Message Types (Composition)
RNCUTL02 IS-HCM: Message Segments (Composition)
RNCUTL03 IS-HCM: Message Fields
RNCUTL04 IS-HCM: Display Table NC02 "Messages Ready to Send"
RNCUTL06 IS-HCM: Create a Message Type Copy Under Different Owner Code
RNCUTL07 IS-HCM: Create a Segment Copy Under Different Owner Code
RNCUTL08 IS-HCM: Display Dispatch Logs
RNCUTL09 IS-HCM: Delete Dispatch Logs
RNCUTL09A IS-HCM: Mass Deletion of HCM Dispatch Logs
RNCUTL10 IS-HCM: Test Program: Simulate CM-Relevant IS-H Action
RNCUTL11 IS-HCM: Delete Selected Customer Message Components
RNCUTL12 IS-HCM: Simulate and Send Admission Records
RNCUTL13 IS-HCM: Display Inbound Messages
RNCUTL14 IS-HCM: Delete Receipt Logs
RNCUTL15 IS-HCM: Display Errored Inbound Messages
RNCUTL16 IS-HCM: Delete Errored Inbound Messages
RNCUTL17 IS-HCM: Evaluations for Hospital Communication
RNCUTL18 IS-HCM: Retrieve Messages From Log File NC00
RNCUTL19 IS-HCM: Create HCM Partner System (Precustomizing)
RNCUTL20 IS-HCM: Delete Partner System
RNCUTL21 IS-HCM: NC02 Display HCM Messages by Field
RNCUTL22 IS-HCM: Overview of Partner Systems (Hierarchical)
RNCUTL70 IS-HCM: Delete All HCM Trace Entries From Table TCPIC
RNCUTL71 IS-HCM: Delete All Entries From Table NC01 (Dispatch Orders)
RNCUTL72 IS-HCM: Delete All Entries From Table NC02 (Outbound Messages)
RNCUTL72A IS-HCM: Delete All Entries From Table NC02 (Outbound Messages)
RNDREO00 IS-H: Mass Print - External Orders
RNDYMREO IS-H: Clean Up Screen Modification Table TNDYM
RNEBKS00 IS-H: Update Copayments/Down Payments From Electronic Bank Statement
RNENDCAS IS-H: Set End of Treatment for Oupatient Cases
RNEOUTL01 IS-H: EO - Migrate Billing Type Determination for New External Order
RNEOUTL02 IS-H: EO - Migrate Charge Factor Determination for New External Order
RNEOUTL03 IS-H: EO - Migrate Order Categories for New Exernal Order
RNEOUTL04 IS-H: EO - Migrate Order Types for New External Order
RNEOUTL05 IS-H: EO - Migrate Order Types for New External Order
RNFORM01 IS-H: List All Work Organizer Settings (Forms)
RNFORM02 IS-H: Delete Or Change Obsolete Printer Data
RNFPSE00 IS-H: Check TNFPSE - Determine Charge Proposal
RNFPSE01 IS-H: Check Rules Defined in TNFPSE
RNFPSE02 IS-H: Enter Catalog in Table TNFPSE
RNGRHOSP00 IS-H Auxiliary Program: Tests Interface for Care Unit Graphics
RNHCO000 IS-HCO: Transfer Services to Cost Center/Order
RNHCO004 IS-HCO: Track Order Status
RNHCO005 IS-HCO: Create Orders
RNHCO006 IS-HCO: Base Planning Object for Case-Based Orders
RNHCO007 Order List
RNHCO008 IS-HCO: Classification of Case-Based Orders
RNHCO009 IS-HCO: Calculate and Transfer Stat. Key Figures, Nursing View
RNHCO010 IS-HCO: Overview of Services to Be Transferred
RNHCO011 IS-HCO: Calculate and Transfer Statistical Key Figures, Dept. View
RNHCO012 IS-HCO: Calculate and Transfer Stat. Key Figures, Inter-Dept. View
RNHCO013 IS-H: Statistical Key Figures for Case-Based Orders
RNHCO014 IS-H: Reverse Statistical Key Figures in Case-Based Orders
RNHCO015 IS-H: Statistical Key Figures for Case-Based Orders
RNHCOL01 IS-H-CO: Fälle zu Sammelaufträgen (CH)
Lines 34901 to 35000 of 57103 entries
1 348 349 350 351 352 572