SAP Program RNNKOS11 - IS-H: Print Insurance Verification Requests (Inpatient Cases)

You can print requests for insurance verification with the report.
On the selection screen, it is possible to limit the requests forinsurance verification to be printed.
By selecting the option "preapproved insurance", you can also printrequests for preapproved insurance.
The report has an interactive mode and a mode suited to backgroundprocessing.
In interactive mode, you receive a list of the requests for insuranceverification to be printed at first. You can choose and print requestsfrom this list.
Select "Print Immediately" if you want to print the requestsimmediately without further editing.
By entering a printer, you can override the default settings in formscontrol or in the user master record.
Further functions:
Re-sort list (Edit menu)
Print list (List menu)
Store list in sequential file (List menu)
Maintain list heading (Edit menu)
Search for string (Edit menu)
Mode Choose form / standard form:
In Customizing, you can influence whether all available forms aredisplayed when you select forms, or whether the form defined asstandard should be used.
Whether several request forms are defined in your system or one form isflagged as a standard form, depends on the system settings for formcontrol.
Ask your system administrator if necessary.
Mode test run on/test run off:
In the mode 'test run on', send data (send indicator and send date) isnot updated. This mode is suited for the repeated printout of requests,for example, for printer problems.
In the mode 'test run off', the send dates are updated as soon asrequests are printed.
Sorting method:
On the selection screen, you have the option to enter a sorting method.The requests for insurance verification are sorted by this procedure.In the dialog mode of the report, it is possible to re-sort the list.
If you do not enter a sorting method, the following default sortingsare carried out:
  • if the mode "print immediately" is active, according to insurance
  • provider description
    • in the dialog mode according to institution and case number
    • Precondition
      Whether a request for insurance verification is included in the printlist depends on the following preconditions:
      the selection criteria must be fulfilled
      the request must not be closed (exception: it is a preapprovedinsurance)
      canceled items with the status request must not exist (exception: it isa preapproved insurance)
      the reauest must not yet be sent (exception: on the selection screen,you marked "with Sent IV Requests")
      an admission diagnosis or referral diagnosis must be maintained if thecorresponding indicator was set in the insurance provider master
      Requests for self-payers/copayers are not printed

      In the interactive mode, a list of the requests for insuranceverification to be printed which can be edited is displayed.
      In the mode 'print immediately', a list of the printed requests forinsurance verification is displayed.
      The send dates are not updated in the test mode.
      Technical notes on form control:
      After you have entered the event 'print request for insuranceverification', the following data structures are supplied filled forthe form:
      RNF01 (patient - name, address and date of birth)
      RNF02 (patient - employer data)
      RNF04 (patient - other data)
      RNF05 (case data)
      RNF06* (admission data - movements)
      RNF07 (admission-referral physician / hospital)
      RNF10 (delivery data)
      RNF11 (insurance provider data - insurance)
      RNF12 (request for insurance verification - header data)
      RNF13* (request for insurance verification - items)
      RNF14 (receiver request for insurance verification)
      RNF15 (admission diagnosis and referral diagnosis)
      RNF19 (form text modules)
      The structures marked with * indicate repeating groups.
      Thus, exactly those listed structures are available for form layout.

430621Delivered print programs and form templates