SAP Program RNMPICK0 - IS-H: Pick List

The report IS-H: Pick List (RNMPICK0) enables you to create apick list, in which MM reservations are listed in groups according tocost center (care unit) or storage location.
You can print the list, combine requested materials from the storagelocation and post the goods issue from the pick list.
The parameter NDR (from the component MM) lets you print goodsreceipt/issue slips from the pick list.

Selection Criteria
The controlling area is a mandatory entry.
You can restrict the selection using the criteria plant, cost center,user name etc. (The user name is the name of the person who created thereservation.).

Display Options
You can decide how the reservations should be sorted in the output:

  • By cost center (Sort by cost center option).

  • By storage location (Sort by storage location option).

  • Propose goods issue:

  • If you select this option, the GI (goods issue) field is filledin the pick list depending on the availability of the materialrequested.
    • Page break at printout:

    • If you select this option, each cost center or storage location(depending on how the list is sorted) is output on a separate page.This option is only relevant for the printout of the list and has noeffect on how the list is output on the screen.
      • Display variant:

      • The pick list is output with the help of the ABAP List Viewer. Thisenables you to tailor the list to meet your requirements, and to saveit under your own variant. Enter the name of the variant here thatdetermines the layout of the list output on the screen.
        • Print variant:

        • Enter the name of the ABAP List Viewer variant here with which theprintout of the pick list should be carried out.

          The cost center or the storage location appear in the header data ofthe output (depending on the sort option selected in the selectionscreen).
          The reservations which satisfy the selection criteria are listed asitem data.
          You can decide which fields are to be output in the list in accordancewith your requirements. The following information is included in thestandard output:

          • Availability:

          • Depending on the availability of the material, four different icons aredisplayed:
            Green traffic light
            The requested material can be picked as a whole.
            Yellow traffic light
            Only partial delivery is possible because there is not enough materialin storage.
            Red traffic light
            The requested material is not available at present.
            Warning icon
            This icon informs you of an alternative picking proposal. The systemcreates such a proposal if the material requisition is not unique.There could be two reasons for this:
            1. The requested material is to be handled in batches and there areseveral batches in storage from which the requisition could be picked.In this case, a separate item is generated in the pick list for eachavailable batch.
            2. The requested material is available in more than one storagelocation and a storage location, from which the goods are to be taken,was not explicitly specified in the reservation. In this case, aseparate item is generated in the pick list for each storage locationwhere the material is available.
            • Description

            • Batch number

            • This field only appears if at least one material to be handled inbatches is listed. Double click the batch number for furtherinformation. If the field has a red background, then the expirationdate of the batch has been exceeded.
              • Storage location / Cost center (depending on how the header is sorted)

              • Requirement date (ReqmtsDate)

              • Difference quantity (Diff. qty):

              • The difference quantity is the requested quantity minus the quantityalready delivered.
                • Unit of measure of the difference quantity

                • Picked quantity (Picked qty)

                • The system proposes the picked quantity depending on the results of theavailability check. You can change this quantity to the quantity youhave picked.
                  • Unit of measure of the picked quantity (PQU):

                  • The system proposes the unit of measure of the difference quantity forthis field. You can change this value.
                    • Goods issue (GI indicator):

                    • Select this option if the item has been picked and is to be proposedfor goods issue. Goods issue is carried out when you click Postgoods issue for all items with the GI indicator.
                      • Final issue (FI indicator):

                      • Select this option if you are unable to pick the item as a whole(partial delivery), but you want to set the reservation to 'finalissue'.
                        The status line contains the pushbuttons for the standard functions ofthe ABAP List Viewer (sort, filter, field selection, variants) andthree additional pushbuttons:
                        • Show goods issue:

                        • To achieve a better overview, you can hide or show all items which havealready been processed and for which you have set the GIindicator. By clicking Show goods issue, all items of the listare shown.
                          • Hide goods issue:

                          • If you click this pushbutton, all the items of the pick list for whichyou have set the GI indicator are hidden.
                            • Post goods issue:

                            • With this function you are able to post the goods issue of the itemsdirectly from the pick list. The goods issue is posted for all itemsfor which you have set the GI indicator.