SAP Program RNMMANF0 - IS-H: Collective Processing of Material Requisitions

The RNMMANF0 program enables you to execute important IS-H materialrequisition functions for a number of care units at the same time. Thefollowing functions are catered for:

  • Approve selected requisitions

  • Request selected entries

  • Form print of selected entries or selection using such criteria as date
  • and status.
    The program only displays the requisitions for which you are authorizedto execute the chosen function.
    If you execute the program in batch mode, the function selected on theinitial screen is executed for all requisitions that satisfy theselection criteria.

    If you want to use the Print function, a number of conditionsmust be satisfied in work organizer control:

    • At least one work organizer of the work organizer type MMANFOE must be
    • created to enable the printing of OU-related material requisitions.
      • Likewise, the collective printing of case-related material requisitions
      • requires a work organizer of the type MMANFCAS.

        You want to set up a workstation in your department to approve allmaterial requisitions of the lower-level care units:
        Run the program for the departmental OU in question.
        Select entries, and then choose Approve.
        If you require a printout of the approved requisitions, prior toapproving the selected entries, choose Print.
        RESET N1
        You want to request (transfer to MM) all of the requisitions notrequired immediately at a time when the system load is low:
        Create an appropriate variant for the program
        Schedule the program to run periodically at the appropriate time
        You can continue to release urgent requisitions directly from thetransaction.