SAP Program RNLORGAP - IS-H: Test Program for Departmental Per Diem Overview

This auxiliary program lets you check the specification of thedepartmental per diem charge for your organizational units.
It checks the care units in an institution, and determines thedepartment directly above these units in the organizational hierarchy.If defined, the departmental per diem charge is specified for bothorganizational units.

You have to specify the organizational unit categories you use for careunits and departments on the selection screen.
The program only evaluates the OU hierarchy directly above the selectedcare units. The validity of the hierarchy is not checked.Inter-deparmental bed assignments are also not evaluated.Organizational units flagged for deletion or organizational units thatare not released are evaluated.

The program outputs a list containing:

  • ID and short text for the care unit

  • Departmental per diem charge for the care unit (if defined in OU master
  • data)
    • ID and short text for the department directly above the care unit in
    • the organizational hierarchy
      • Departmental per diem charge for the department (if defined in the OU
      • master data)

        The program was originally developed to facilitate the implementationphase in implementation projects, and has been incorporated into thestandard IS-H software shipment.
        SAP has no obligation to maintain or further develop this program.