SAP Program RNLMSTOR0 - IS-H MM: Closet List

This report enables you to create an overview of closets with theirshelves and bins and the materials stored in them.

Form print output requires a number of settings in form control:

  • You must have maintained the following event-work organizer type
  • combination:
    Event MMSTO0 - work organizer type MMSTOR
    • You must have created an appropriate form (work organizer) as a Smart
    • Form or a PDF form for the work organizer type MMSTOR.

      The selection screen contains the following parameters in addition tothe required entry field Institution:

      • The Organizational Unit and Closet ID fields enable you to
      • restrict the closet selection. To prevent long runtimes, specify atleast one of the two selection criteria.
        • In the Restrict Materials group box, you can restrict the storage
        • locations by entering the materials stored in them. The report onlylists the closets that contain the materials you specify.
          • In the Output group box, you can specify a layout for the SAP
          • List Viewer (ALV). In addition to the standard ALV multilevel listoutput, you can select a tabular output in grid format. To do this,select the Grid Output indicator.
            Note that the layout you select must be compatible with the outputformat. You cannot use the layout for a multilevel list output for atabular output and vice versa.

            The list is output using the SAP List Viewer (ALV). This provides youwith many possibilities for column selection, sorting and filtering andenables you to tailor the list output to satisfy your own individualrequirements.