SAP Program RNLAMB01 - IS-H: Outpatient Visits (with Name of Physician)

This report creates a visit list for any organizational units and visittypes. You can further restrict the evaluation according to physicians.


  • You must specify the institution and the evaluation period.
  • Selection Criteria

    • Visit types

    • If you only want to evaluate certain visit types, enter theseaccordingly.
      • Organizational units

      • You can restrict the evaluation to specific organizational units. Thesystem selects all visits that have a departmental or nursing assignmentto one of the organizational units specified.
        • Case types

        • If you only want the system to display outpatient visits of certain casetypes, select the relevant case types.
          • Sort Order

          • You can choose whether the system is to sort a group alphabetically bypatient name (Alphabetically indicator) or chronologically bymovement date (Chronologically indicator).
            • Output Options

            • If you only want the system to output canceled visits, set thecorresponding indicator.
              If you want the system to display canceled visits and non-canceledvisits, set both indicators.
              If you do not want the system to display the canceled case-to-personassignments, deselect Non-Canceled Phy. Asgmt.

              The system outputs the following information:

              • Last name, first name, birthdate and sex of the patient

              • Case number and case type

              • Visit date, visit time, visit status and visit type

              • Cancellation indicator for the visit

              • Organizational assignment

              • Treatment room

              • Physician name, number and function

              • Cancellation indicator for the case-to-person assignment