SAP Program RNLAMB00 - IS-H: Evaluation of Outpatient Visits

This report creates visit statistics for any organizational units andvisit types.


  • You must specify the institution and the evaluation period.

  • If you only want to evaluate specific
  • visit types, specify theseaccordingly.
    • You can restrict the evaluation to specific organizational units. The
    • system selects all visits that have a departmental or nursing assignmentto one of the organizational units specified.
      • If you only want to see outpatient visits of certain case types, select
      • the relevant case types.
        • If you only want to see canceled visits, set the corresponding
        • indicator. If the system is to display canceled and non-canceled visits,set both indicators.
          • Totals

          • The system creates totals using the number of the visits. You can choosewhether the totals are to be created using the different visit types orthe assigned organizational units. Within the organizational units, itis possible to create totals on departmental assignment or nursingassignment level.

            The system outputs the following information:

            • Last name, first name, birthdate and sex of the patient

            • Case number and case type

            • Visit date, visit time, visit status and visit type

            • Cancellation indicator

            • Organizational assignment

            • Treatment room