SAP Program RNIARZ01 - IS-H: Transfer Data to Create Employee/Physician (NG04)

This report enables you to create a batch input session for transactionNG04 (Create Employees/Physicians). The system reads andprocesses a sequential dataset with the help of the structureinformation tables TNT2 and TNT2S.

Information About Test Mode
If you initialy only want to test how the sequential dataset isimported, you can run the report in test mode. To do this, selectExecute in Test Mode. The system does not create a batch inputsession and merely displays the field values on the respective screens.Test mode is particularly suitable for checking the structure definitionof the sequential dataset.

If a record of the sequential dataset is longer than 1024 bytes, youmust change the length of the buffer variable REC in the reportaccordingly.
A structure definition (tables TNT2 and TNT2S) must exist for thesequential dataset.
You must enter the complete name of the sequential dataset when startingthe report. If the sequential dataset contains different record types,you must specify the offset and length of the record type ID withinevery record of the sequential dataset.
If you only want to process part of the sequential file, you can enterupper and lower limits to identify which records in the file are to beprocessed.
If you need to convert field formats, proceed as follows:
Define a suitable form routine in a copy of reportRNILSI20 (remember to use the customer namespace).Carry out all changes to formats using field symbol . When youdefine the conversion, make sure that you specify a valid input formatfor each field. Enter the name of the form routine in fieldTNT2-FORM of table TNT2.
If the model routines in RNILSI20 are sufficient for your needs, you canomit the step above.
Number assignment:

  • If you set the indicator for all entries in the Internal Number
  • Assignment group box, the system assigns a number internally to allentries. Any numbers that already exist are overwritten.
    • If you do not set the indicator for all entries in the Internal Number
    • Assignment group box, internal number assignment is deactivated. Numberassignment is external. The system does not include entries for which anumber is not specified in the batch input session. The system logs thisprocess.

      The program outputs:

      • The number of records read

      • The number of records where errors were detected

      • The number of error messages and warnings

      • The number of actual, or in test mode, the potential number of batch
      • input entries
        For more information on one of the four points, you can select the rowby double-clicking or with the F2 key.
        If the system actually created a batch input session, you can accesstransaction SM35 directly (Batch Input Session Analysis andProcessing) by selecting the row containing the number of batch inputentries.

        You can find examples for form routines in reportRNILSI20.
        You can find examples for the structure description in the tables TNT2and TNT2S.