SAP Program RNDREO00 - IS-H: Mass Print - External Orders

This program enables you to group together a number of invoices andcancellation documents in the same print run.
Prerequisites for form print
Form print is executed for an invoice only if one of the followingoptions is selected in the corresponding insurance provider master or inthe definition of the insurance provider type:

  • Single Invoice Only

  • Single + Cllct. Inv.

  • If the insurance provider does not allow for single invoice printing,you cannot use this program to print invoices for this insuranceprovider. This restriction also applies in test print mode.
    If you still want to execute form print for a single invoice, you can dothis using the external order invoice overview.
    • Billing documents can be chosen in conformity with a number of selection
    • criteria, and, if required, individually for printing on a selectionscreen.
      • If you select Print Immediat. (no Dialog), the invoices are
      • printed immediately and the list of printed documents is logged.
        • If Init. Print (Orig. Print) is selected, the program does not
        • print those invoices that have already been printed in live print mode.In this context, live print means that invoices have been printed asoriginals without TestPrint being selected. If you do not selectTestPrint, the system records that you have already printed aninvoice.
          • If you select Repeat Initial Print, only those invoices that have
          • already been output in live print mode are printed again. TestPrint
            mode is without effect here. It is also without effect if you selectPrint Copy. This option is equivalent to the Repeat initialprint option with the difference that in Print Copy modeinvoices can be overprinted with a special text (e.g. 'Duplicate'). Formore information about this option, see the online help for thisparameter.
            • If you select Test Print, the following particularities apply:

            • Each invoice is output exactly once. The number of copies you stipulatedin form control Customizing is ignored in this print mode.
              The printed invoices are not recorded in the print status table NBRK
              • If you select the Active Invoices Only option, cancellation
              • documents and fully canceled invoices are not printed.
                • The selection criterion Electronic Invoices only is provided for
                • the country version Switzerland. For details, see the correspondingfield help.
                  • In addition, you can assign different sort criteria, according to which
                  • the invoices are sorted during the print run and the layout of theoutput lists defined.
                    • If you only want to print self-payer invoices, select the corresponding
                    • option. In this case, the other selections for the insurance providersare ignored.
                      • Please use the online help for the Additional Print Settings
                      • options and for the Single Control for Each Billing Doc. andDetailed Invoice List (w/o Printout of Indiv. Bill. Docs options.
                        • Print authorization check (can be defined for each work organizer):

                        • If you are not authorized to print forms, a printout is not generatednor a spool entry created for the relevant work organizer in the case ofbackground printing. In online mode, however, the forms are outputconsecutively on the screen and those for which you have printauthorization are either printed immediately, or placed in a spoolrequest.
                          • If you want to archive your invoices when the forms are printed,
                          • select Single Print Control. The invoices are only archived whenyou print the forms in live mode. For this reason, make sure thatTestPrint is not selected.
                            Invoices are only archived once. The system sets an internal flag toindicate that the invoice has already been archived.
                            Note that invoices are not archived immediately. That is, when youarchive an invoice, you cannot access it in the archive straight away.
                            To archive an invoice, you must first activate the corresponding invoiceform for archiving in the IS-H Implementation Guide.
                            • If you do not want to output the current date as the print date on the
                            • invoice form, you can specify an alternative date in the Print Date

                              Notes on background processing:

                              • Select Print Immediat. (no Dialog) on the selection screen.

                              • Select Single Print Control on the selection screen.

                              • If invoices are still not output, do not select Init. Print (Orig.
                              • Print) on the selection screen.
                                • By specifying a terminal you can, on the basis of Customizing
                                • entries, assign a printer for batch printouts. The value in theTerminal field overrides the invoice device determined in onlinemode. However, it is primarily intended for background processing.

                                  Country versions Singapore and Switzerland: Printing of Pro FormaInvoices
                                  This program also lets you print pro forma invoices.
                                  The following conditions must be satisfied for you to be able to printpro forma invoices:

                                  • You selected Pro Forma Invoice on the selection screen (only
                                  • displayed in the country versions Singapore and Switzerland).
                                    • The external order is final billed.

                                    • The system only prints invoices for insurance relationships relating to
                                    • the external order and for which no services have been charged for, invoice does not exist for these insurance relationships.
                                      • If a pro forma invoice is to be printed for an insurance provider, the
                                      • option Pro Forma Invoice must be selected in the insuranceprovider master.
                                        • In the country version Switzerland, pro forma invoices are
                                        • printed for self-payers only.
                                          You can control the determination of pro forma invoices using thefollowing selection conditions:
                                          • Billing Date

                                          • Self-Payer Invoices Only option

                                          • A pro forma invoice merely provides the recipient with information.However, the recipient was not billed for any services. This results inthe following restrictions:
                                            • No SD nor FI document exists for the invoice.

                                            • For this reason you are unable to archive this type of invoice. Thestatus of the invoice is also not updated in the system.
                                              • The invoice has no items.

                                              • The billing document number of the invoice is generated dynamically and
                                              • always begins with 'I'.
                                                • A pro forma invoice can only be printed if the external order is final
                                                • billed. In other words, a logical invoice exists for the external order.This is created in a billing run and can comprise several singleinvoices. The billing date of the invoices that belong to the logicalinvoice is also used for the pro forma invoice. The creation date of theinvoice is the date on which it is printed.
                                                  If you employ the following selection conditions to restrict theinvoices to be printed, pro form invoices are not printed:
                                                  • Services

                                                  • Billing Catalog

                                                  • Document Number

                                                  • If you want to print a single pro forma invoice for an external order,for example for the self-payer, but do not want to make restrictionsusing the selection criteria, proceed as follows:
                                                    • Specify the desired external order in the External Order Number
                                                    • field.
                                                      • Select Include Pro Forma Invoice.

                                                      • Execute the program online (do not select Print Immediat. (no Dialog

                                                      • ).
                                                        • The program lists all the invoices for the external order, sorted by
                                                        • document number. Deselect the invoices you do not want to print. Thenexecute the function Print Form.

                                                          You can output various views of a basic list that can be tailored tomeet your requirements using the functions of the ABAP List Viewer. Thesystem creates different multi-level lists in relation to the primarysort criterion. Depending on the primary sort criterion, thecorresponding information (external order, insurance provider, dept. OU,billing date, patient or logical invoice number in the country versionsSingapore and Switzerland) is displayed in the header and the respectiveinvoices are assigned as item rows.
                                                          You can change the respective view (sort order) by choosing Edit ->Sort.
                                                          If you ran the program online (Print Immediat. (no Dialog) notselected), from the basic list you can call all of the invoices orselected ones to be printed or to preview their corresponding forms. Ifyou ran the program in the background or printed all of the invoicesimmediately, the basic list is available to you as a log only. Anymessages that may have been generated are displayed at the foot of thelist.