SAP Program RNCTTREF - IS-H: Change Message Assignment LF301REF

Change Message Reference Assignments

This is a test program for changing the messages reference assignments(table NC301S, field LF301REF). This should only be necessary inexceptional circumstances, if when a message was being uploaded anincorrect assignment was made to a message sent previously. Forexample: When an error message is received. Please check the status ofthe message received, originally assigned and newly assigned. You mayhave to modify the status using program RNC301U6.


Enter the message number whose reference number you wish to change.
Enter a new reference number.
For CCPS (SG): Flag the Update external key also (HRN) option.
If you have already deleted the original message to which the messageto be changed is assigned, flag the Update also w/o ref. messageoption. The program correcs the reference number and deletes the casenumber.

The program issues a confirmation message if the new assignment wassuccessful.