Purpose Prerequisites Selection Section Section Section
The system creates new expressions of expression type The system creates the rules that are saved in the table TBRF210. With this selection, the above-mentioned namespace is of nosignificance, that is to say the rules are created in both the SAPnamespace and the customer namespace If you save your rules in your own table (in other words, not in tableTBRF210), you cannot create the rules anew. In this case, check whetherthe application provides an analogous report and execute this report. The system creates the rules in the rule sets that are saved in tableTBRF310. With this selection, the above-mentioned namespace is of nosignificance, that is to say the rules of the rule sets are created inboth the SAP namespace and the customer namespace. If you save your rules of the rule sets in your own table (in otherwords, not in table TBRF310), you cannot create the rules of the rulesets anew. In this case, check whether the application provides ananalogous report and execute this report. Deletion of orphaned entries: In the tables TBRF210, TBRF240 and TBRF310, the system deletes anyentries in which the corresponding event no longer exists. In the text tables TBRF110T, TBRF150T, TBRF170T, TBRF180T and TBRF280T,the system deletes any entries in which the corresponding BRF object nolonger exists. The system enhances the missing expression usages in TBRF200 and at thesame time transfers the entries of the obsolete table TBRF260 toTBRF200. The system deletes the entries in TBRF260 and also removes anyorphaned entries. The system saves those BRF objects for which message BRF263 "No errorsfound, but dependent tables will be changed" is output in the BRFoverall check. In this way, the system corrects the entries in thedependent tables. Message BRF263 is then no longer displayed. Then specify whether the process should only be simulated, or whether itreally should be executed. In the Customizing client you then need to assign a suitable transportrequest. You can add other options during the course of product maintenance. Output |