SAP Program RNA_CASCADE_BILLING - IS-H: Cascade Bill Processing

IS-H: Cascade Bill Processing

The report IS-H: Cascade Bill Processing (RNA_CASCADE_BILLING)modifies insurance provider contract schemes to support a method ofinvoicing known as cascade billing. Given a case number, the reportindividualizes the contract scheme of a single insurance relationshipwith a user-supplied amount, which is stored as the maximum paymentamount in the contract scheme. The report then cancels and recreatesthe invoice to reflect this change.
Cascade billing is relevant for billing environments where theliability of each insurance provider cannot be determined until paymentis received.
The workflow of this program within a larger billing process is asfollows:
You discharge a case with two or more insurance relationships andgenerate the invoice.
You sent the invoice (for the entire amount of the bill) to theinsurance provider with the highest priority.
When payment is received, you record the amount in FI via an incomingpayment processing transaction such as F-28.
You now run the Cascade Billing Program with reference to the open IS-Hinvoice item, or by explicitly specifying the case number, customernumber, amount and other parameters of the incoming payment (seeActivities below).
Cascade Billing cancels the open invoice item, creates anindividualized contract scheme for the payer in question (correspondingexactly to the payment amount), and regenerates the invoice.
The resulting logical invoice now has two open items: an invoice forthe first payer, revised to reflect the actual amount of paymentreceived; and an invoice for the second payer, which contains allremaining charges.
You can repeat steps 2 through 6 for every insurance relationship.

This program requires that contract schemes and invoice cancellationreasons have been configured for cascade bill processing in Customizingfor IS-H.

  • When defining contract schemes, ensure that the scheme currency is the
  • same as the currency defined in the master data of the insuranceproviders that will use it.
    • Set the scheme case type restriction to allow any case types that might
    • be used with cascade billing.
      • When defining new cancellation reasons for cascade billing, check the
      • I column to make the reason valid for invoices.
        You'll find more information about this in the IS-H ImplementationGuide under SG,CH, CA: MaintainContract Schemes and Define Reasons forCancellation.


        The following selection criteria are available to you on the selectionscreen of the report (all fields with the exception of CancellationReason) are required entry fields:

        • Institution: IS-H institution code.

        • Case: The number of the case for which you wish to carry out
        • cascade bill processing.
          • Customer: The customer number of the insurance provider from
          • which payment has been received. The value help contains a list of allinsurance relationships (sorted in priority order) for the specifiedcase.
            • Contract Scheme: The name of a contract scheme that will
            • associate a payment amount with the insurance provider.
              • Max. Amount/Case: The payment amount to record with the
              • individualized insurance relationship. This corresponds to the amountof payment received from the payer specified in the Customerfield, and the value of the revised invoice.
                • Currency: The payment currency.

                • Billing Date: The date of the payment.

                • Cancellation Reason: The reason for invoice cancellation.

                • A reason for cancellation is not strictly required. SAP recommends,however, that you make an entry here in order that the differencebetween cascade billing cancellations and "regular" cancellations canbe easily determined.
                  • Group box Runtime Options

                  • Print Invoice: If you select this option, the report prints thenew invoice automatically after rebilling.
                    Suppress Dialogs: By selecting this option you suppress invoicecancellation dialogs.
                    • Clear: By clicking on this button you clear all selection fields
                    • and restart the report.
                      • Find: Use this option to load the report parameters
                      • automatically from an FI document.

                        Messages will display showing the status of the update and any billingerrors that may have occurred. In the case of a successful run, thesystem displays the new payment distribution log.
                        Note: If you do not wish to view the payment distribution screenat the end of the run, clear the user parameter PDR.
                        Special Cases

                        • It's possible that an existing invoice can be canceled without a new
                        • invoice being generated, if there are errors in the case that preventthe creation of a new invoice. Be advised that under thesecircumstances, if the Suppress Dialogs option has been enabled,it may not be obvious that an invoice was canceled.
                          • Even if a logical invoice is canceled and not re-billed due to errors,
                          • the contract scheme of the specified payer is always updated, unlessthe program explicitly states that it has been unable to do so.
                            • If Cascade Billing is run for a case that does not have an active
                            • invoice, the cancellation step is ignored, and the case is billednormally.
                              With any combination of the above events, after you have corrected theerrors that cause the failure, you can safely re-bill the case byexecuting Cascade Billing again with the same parameters. There is noharm in repeatedly running the program. You can also re-bill the casemanually.

                              There are two ways to run this report:

                              • Manually enter all the values in the required entry fields in the first
                              • block of the selection screen, and then choose Execute (F8).
                                • In the Open Item Selection block, enter the number and fiscal
                                • year of an FI document that corresponds to an open item of the IS-Hcase invoice. (Document numbers are found on the Open Items tabpage in case-related invoice processing).
                                  Click the Find button, and enter the document number and fiscalyear of an open IS-H case-related invoice item in the resultingOpen Item Selection dialog box. (Document numbers are found onthe Open Items tab page in case-related invoice processing).
                                  Press ENTER.
                                  If the system finds the document, it reads the case number, customer,payment amount and currency from FI and loads these values into thecorresponding screen fields. In the event that a single customer isassigned to two separate insurance relationships for a case, the systemasks you to select the correct insurance relationship using the valuehelp.
                                  The system cannot determine a payment amount from an IS-H invoicedocument if payment has not been recorded in FI, or has been recordedbut improperly allocated. In general, the payment must appear on theOpen Items tab page in case-related invoice processing in orderfor it to work properly with this feature.
                                  If the system does not find the document, all entry fields remainactive for manual input.
                                  To begin processing, choose Execute (F8).