SAP Program RNASRE01 - IS-H: Print Collective Invoice

The report IS-H: Print Collective Invoice (RNASRE01) lets youprint collective invoices.


  • Make sure that the collective invoice field is ready for input in
  • Financial Accounting. If need be, contact your system administrator.
    • When a collective invoice is printed, among other things, the system
    • deducts an existing down payment for insurance providers and a copaymentfrom a single invoice. When the down payment is cleared, the systemcopies the collective invoice number into the credit memo document. Whenthe system deducts a copayment from a single invoice, it also copies thecollective invoice number into the copayment document (receivableprocedure) or into the credit memo document (collection procedure).
      • When a collective invoice for self-payers is printed, any down payment
      • made by the self-payer is also deducted. When the down payment iscleared, the system copies the collective invoice number into the creditmemo document. If the down payment is not cleared, the system CANNOTcopy the collective invoice number into the down payment document, sincethe "collective invoice number" field does not exist in the down paymentdocument in FI.
        The following prerequisites must be met for the system to deduct acopayment from an invoice:
        The Copayment Obligation indicator must be set in the insurancerelationship for which the invoice was created. A copayment procedureinvolving deduction from invoice must be defined in the master record ofthe insurance provider.
        A valid self-payer insurance relationship must be defined for the case.
        • A unique customer must be assigned to the self-payer in Financial
        • Accounting.
          • The copayment has not previously been deducted from another non-canceled
          • invoice.
            • The system never deducts a copayment from a fully canceled invoice that
            • you have still to print in live print mode.
              Collection procedure
              A transfer posting is made for the copayment to the insurance provideraccount.
              Receivable procedure
              With this procedure, a copayment request is also deducted from theinvoice.
              • To execute this program you require the authorization S_PROGRAM and the
              • authorization group N_A_STSR specified in the report attributes.

                Selection Criteria
                The following selection criteria let you control the output of the formsfor your collective invoices:

                • Institution: Specify the institution for which you want to print
                • collective invoices.
                  • Collective Invoice: Specify the numbers of the collective
                  • invoices you want to print.
                    • Collective Invoice Currency

                    • When printing the forms, the system translates all of the currency fieldinto the currency you specify in the Collective Invoice Currencyfield. Currency translation is not performed for list output. The systemoutputs the currency fields in the invoice currency in this case.
                      The system automatically proposes the local currency.
                      • Sort Order group box

                      • Here you can stipulate the sort criteria for sorting the invoices in thecollective invoice.
                        • In the Form Output group box you can specify in which mode you
                        • want to print the collective invoice forms:
                          Test Print, Live Print
                          If you print forms in test mode, the system does not log theprintout in the status table for collective invoices (NBRKS). You canprint a collective invoice any number of times in this mode.
                          Select Live Print if you want the printout of the collectiveinvoice to be recorded in the status table (print date, status of thecollective invoice is set to created and printed). A collectiveinvoice can be printed once only in live mode. You can print acollective invoice only once in this mode.
                          Please refer to the F1 Help for the fields 1st Print andRepeat Print.
                          with Dialog, without Dialog
                          Select With Dialog if you want to modify the print parametersdefined in Customizing in the Print dialog box.
                          If you want to use the default print settings from Customizing, selectw/o dialog. The Print dialog box is not displayed in thismode.
                          1st Print, Repeat Print
                          These options are relevant in Live Print mode only.
                          Select 1st Print when you are printing a collective invoice forthe first time in Live Print mode.
                          If you want to re-print an invoice that has already been printed in livemode, select Repeat Print. The system updates the print date inthe status table.
                          Print Single Invoices
                          This option lets you specify that once the collective invoice form hasbeen printed, all of the single invoices assigned to this collectiveinvoice are also to be printed.
                          The system prints the single invoices in test print mode (i.e.the print date is not updated in the print status table) in a spoolrequest. Please refer to the F1 Help for this field.
                          Print Date
                          If you do not want the print date to be the current date, you can enteranother date here. The system issues a warning if the print date is inthe past, or is more than 10 days in the future. You can simply ignorethis warning by choosing Continue.
                          • In the Print Settings group box you can specify an output device.
                          • In this case, the system does not use the default output device definedfor form control in Customizing.
                            • In the Sort Order group box you can stipulate how the single
                            • invoices are to be sorted in a collective invoice. By specifying asequence you can implement a multi-level sort order.
                              • In the Processing Mode group box you can specify the mode in
                              • which the program is to be executed:
                                With Dialog
                                Select this option, if you first want an overview of the selectedcollective invoices. You can select and print individual invoices in theresult list. The following functions are available in dialog mode:
                                - Choose form...
                                - Form output with dialog. You can modify the default Customizingsettings in the Print dialog box.
                                w/o Dialog
                                Select this option if you want to print all of the specified collectiveinvoices immediately. In this mode, the system always used the standardform(s) and uses the print parameters from Customizing.

                                The collective invoices are output using the SP List Viewer. In additionto the standard functions of the SAP List Viewer,you can also execute the functions Standard Form and ChooseForm....
                                Printing of Paragraph 302 Full Invoices
                                If your hospital also creates §302 full invoices, you should create adisplay variant containing the following fields from the field catalog:

                                • EDI transmission date

                                • This field contains the date at which the collective invoice (§302 fullinvoice) was transmitted as an EDI message.
                                  • EDI procedure

                                  • This field shows whether the collective invoice was also transmitted byEDI. The value P302indicates that the collective invoice is also a §302 full invoice.
                                    Note that the print date and the status of the collective invoice areonly updated in the output list in live mode.

430621Delivered print programs and form templates