SAP Program RNASRE00 - IS-H: Create Collective Invoice

This program lets you create collective invoices.
A collective invoice is created by assigning the same collectiveinvoice number to all of the single invoices belonging to thiscollective invoice. This collective invoice number is recorded in theSD and FI document. In this way, an invoice can be exclusively assignedto a collective invoice.
After a collective invoice has been successfully created, thecorresponding invoice selection is normally deleted.
A collective invoice with its unique collective invoice number offersthe following advantages:

  • Collective invoice re-print

  • It is easy to re-print a collective invoice that has already beenprinted since all of the invoices belonging to a collective invoice canbe identified by their collective invoice number.
    • Incoming payments

    • When an incoming payment is made for a collective invoice, you caneasily determine all of the open items for this collective invoice inFinancial Accounting using the collective invoice number. Thissimplifies incoming payments.
      If you cancel an invoice in the IS-H System, it is not clearedautomatically in Financial Accounting. Before you enter the incomingpayment in Financial Accounting, it is essential that you clear thecancelled invoices in Financial Accounting, since when a single invoiceis cancelled in the IS-H System, the collective invoice number is notcopied into the FI reverse document.
      If you post the incoming payment in Financial Accounting by means ofthe collective invoice number, no invoice contained in the collectiveinvoice is allowed to be partially canceled. Invoices containing errorsmust always be fully canceled.

      Program Execution
      Test Mode and Live Mode
      If you execute the program in test mode, the FI and SD documents arenot modified. The list displays a temporary collective invoice that isnot written to the database. A temporary collective invoice number isidentified by the character '$' in the first position of the collectiveinvoice number. The numbers are assigned consecutively within a programrun.
      It is recommended to execute the program in test mode first. If noerrors occur, you can create the collective invoice in live(production) mode. In this mode, the collective invoice number istransferred into the SD and FI documents. The status of the collectiveinvoice is also recorded in the table NBRKS. If serious errors occur inlive mode, the system switches to test mode automatically. No changesare made in the database and you can correct errors. The followingerrors may occur:

      • An invoice is contained in more than one of the invoice selections to
      • be processed.
        In such cases, you must delete the duplicate invoices from the invoiceselections in question using the program Edit InvoiceSelection (RNASELR1).
        • The invoice selection contains an invoice that is posted on to FI
        • without an FI document.
          • The invoice selection contains an invoice that is not posted on to FI.

          • An error occurred when the first FI document was modified.

          • A major error is most likely here (e.g. the Collective Invoicefield in FI is not ready for input). As a result, data is not saved inthe database.
            If an error occurs when modifying a subsequent FI document in theselection, processing is not terminated. You can find out which FI (andSD) documents were not modified by referring to the error loggenerated.
            • An invoice selection contains §302 relevant invoices and invoices that
            • are not relevant for §302.
              The system does not switch processing mode if the invoice selection tobe processed contains invoices that are already assigned to acollective invoice. The invoices are not taken into account for thecreation of the collective invoice.
              Delete Invoice Selections
              After a collective invoice has been successfully created, thecorresponding invoice selection is normally deleted from the system.The Delete Invoice Selection indicator lets you specify whetherthe invoice selection is to be automatically deleted by the system ornot.
              If you don't permit the system to automatically delete invoiceselections, you have to delete the old invoice selections manually. Youdo this using the program Edit Invoice Selection(RNASELR1).

              To be able to create collective invoices, you must create an invoiceselection using the program Create Invoice Selection(RNASELR0). The invoice selection contains all of the invoices to becombined in a collective invoice.
              Specify at least the institution and an invoice selection on theprogram selection screen. Alternatively you can specify an insuranceprovider or payer. The program automatically determines thecorresponding invoice selection.
              When creating an invoice selection, the system checks that:

              • The invoice has not been printed.

              • The invoice has not been cleared in FI.

              • The invoice has not been fully canceled.

              • For reasons of performance, the above checks are not performed when thecollective invoice is created. Here the system checks that:
                • The invoice has been posted on to FI (i.e. posting status of the
                • invoice is C).
                  • The invoice has not been assigned to a collective invoice.

                  • An invoice is contained in one of the invoice selections to be
                  • processed only.
                    It is strongly recommended to create the invoice selection and thecollective invoice in direct succession to ensure that invoices are notcanceled in the meantime, for example.
                    If, however, you need to delete particular invoices from an invoiceselection, you can delete the invoices in question using the programEdit Invoice Selection (RNASELR1).
                    When the collective invoice is created, the system transfers thecollective invoice number into the Collective Invoice field(technical name BSEG-SAMNR) in the FI document. This requires theCollective Invoice field to be ready for input in FinancialAccounting. If, when a collective invoice is being created, the FItransaction appears because this field is not ready for input, pleasecontact your system administrator.
                    To execute this program you require the authorization S_PROGRAMM andthe authorization group N_A_STSR specified in the program attributes.

                    Recommended Procedure
                    When creating a collective invoice, you should follow the procedurebelow:

                    • Create an invoice selection.

                    • Check the invoice selection created. If needs be, you can delete
                    • invoices containing errors from the invoice selection at this stage.
                      • Create the collective invoice using the checked and valid invoice
                      • selection.
                        • Delete the invoice selection after the collective invoice has been
                        • successfully created and you have deselected the Delete InvoiceSelection indicator on the selection screen.
                          In this way, you make sure that you do not inadvertently create acollective invoice using an obsolete or invalid invoice selection.
                          You create a collective invoice. After the collective invoice has beencreated, you cancel a number of invoices containing errors from thecollective invoice. The Customizing of IS-H specifies that thecollective invoice number is to be deleted from the invoice documentand the FI document when cancellation is carried out. You now use thisinvalid invoice selection to create a new collective invoice containingall of these canceled invoices.

                          Collective invoices are output using the SAP List Viewer. In additionto the standard functions provided by the SAP ListViewer, you can display all messages generated by the creation ofthe collective invoice by choosing Messages.