SAP Program RNANFAL1 - IS-H: Set Outpatient Cases Without Services to "Final Billed"

This program enables you to modify cases with outpatient visits forwhich no billable services have been entered.

You must specify the institution and the visit date.

Selection Criteria
In addition to secifying the visit date or period, you can also restrictthe selection of outpatient visits by means of the visit type and one ofthe following criteria:

  • Organizational units

  • The system selects all visits that have a departmental assignment ortreatment-related assignment to one of the specified organizationalunits.
    • Patients

    • Cases

    • Relevance for PPA billing

    • By default, the system selects the cases independently of the PPAindicator. However, you can also restrict your selection to those casesthat are or are not relevant for PPA billing.

      Use test mode to make sure that your selection criteria are correctbefore you execute the action.
      You can choose between the following actions for the selected cases:

      • Set to Final Billed

      • This option enables you to set the billing status of the selected casesto final billed.
        • Adjust End Date

        • Final Billed and End Date

        • This option enables you to set the billing status to final billed andmodify the end date.
          If you want to modify the end date, you can specify one of the followingdates as the end date:
          • Fixed Date

          • If you select this option, the system used the date you specify in theadjacent Date field on the selection screen.
            • Last Visit

            • If you select this option, the system uses the date of the lastoutpatient visit.
              • End-of-Quart. for Last Visit

              • If you select this option, the system uses the end of the quarter inwhich the last visit occurred.
                Note: If you decide to modify the end date, you should note thefollowing:
                • The system does not check whether an end date is already stored for the
                • cases in question. It sets the stipulated end date for all of the casesselected.
                  • If the fixed date is not set, but rather the date of the last visit or
                  • end of quarter of the last visit, the system uses the date of the actuallast visit to determine the end date, even if this visit occurred laterthan specified in the selection criteria interval.

                    The system outputs the result using theSAP List Viewer (ALV). Youcan select the information to be displayed and the manner in which it issorted.
                    The system outputs the following information by default:

                    • Case number

                    • End date of case

                    • Billing status

                    • 2 = final billed
                      = open
                      • Patient number

                      • Name, first name, and birthdate of patient

                      • You can also display the following additional information:
                        • Check digit for case- and patient number

                        • External patient ID (e.g. number from legacy system)

                        • First name, last name, and birthname of patient

                        • Patient's sex

                        • Indicator that patient is deceased

                        • Nationality

                        • Billing block indicator

                        • Case-based order