SAP Program RNAIN001 - IS-H SG: Invoice Overview

This report generates a list of invoices for a specific case, and showsthe current processing status of these invoices (if, for example, theinvoice items have already been settled).
This report is designed specifically for the Singapore country version,and uses logical invoice numbers when it generates the list ofinvoices.

The billing functionality in your IS-H release must use logical invoicenumbers.
At the moment, only the Singapore country version uses logicalinvoices. This means that all invoices pertaining to an inpatient caseor the visits involved in an outpatient case are assigned to the samelogical invoice. When an invoice is cancelled, the logical invoicenumber is copied to the cancellation document.


Selection Screen
On the selection screen of this report, you can specify the case forwhich you want to generate an invoice overview. The report outputs allinvoices and cancellations pertaining to this case up to an includingthe key date specified (billing date).
You use the Test print and No repeat print fields tospecify how the invoices should be printed from the list screen.

The report outputs a list of all invoices that were created up to andincluding the key date specified on the selection screen. Thishierarchical-sequential list also takes cancellations and provisionalinvoices into account. The invoices and cancellations are sorted bylogical invoice number. Billing documents (invoices, for example) withthe same logical invoice number appear as subitems under the logicalinvoice number in question. The following information is displayed inthe list.

  • The status column (PsSt) tells you whether data was transferred
  • to Accounting.
    ,,C,,,,,,,,Transferred successfully
    ,,B or blank,,,,,,,,Errors detected
    ,,A,,,,,,,,Not yet transferred
    ,,E,,,,,,,,Errors detected, completed
    • The Clearing column contains the clearing date of invoices that
    • were cleared (settled) by incoming payments in Financial Accounting.
      • The column entitled A shows whether an invoice was archived
      • during a live print run.
        • The Gross value column is used to total up values (provided that
        • all the items that appear in this column use the same currency). Ifdifferent currencies are used, you can add an additional field to thelist and display the gross values at both the header and item level.This field is called Gross value in local currency, and you caninsert it by choosing Settings -> Display variant -> Current.This new column displays the original amounts expressed in the localcurrency. Since a uniform currency is used, the values in this columncan be totaled. The corresponding invoice date is used as thetranslation date.
          • If you would also like to display information on the visit type
          • (movement type) involved in each invoice, you can add the correspondingfield to the list in the same way as described above for the grossvalue field. You can add the fields for movement type, the movementtype text, movement date and movement time to the list.
            You can only display movement type data for outpatient visits. Asequential number for the movement must also have been defined for thelogical invoice.

            Functions available in the list
            You can access the following functions from the list:

            • Additional information

            • By clicking the Down payment/copayment pusbutton, you candisplay additional information on down payments and copayments relatingto a selected invoice. If a down payment or copayment existed and wasthen cancelled, this is flagged correspondingly.
              If you click the Logical invoice pushbutton, the system willdisplay the logical invoice you have selected.
              If you double-click on an invoice item, the SD overview of thecorresponding billing document items is displayed.
              By clicking the Refresh list pushbutton, you can retrieveup-to-date information on the billing documents from the database. Youmight execute this function if, for example, you have just changedbilling documents. Please note that the 'refreshed' list might besorted differently.
              • Print functions

              • The Test print and Live print menu options enable you toactivate/deactivate registration of the print output by the system.This enables you to save the date of the first printout.
                The Standard form and Choose form pushbuttons enable youto output the form on screen (no print option). In this case, the formoutput is not registered.
                The billing documents are also displayed on screen if the print controlsettings specify that a spool request is to be generated.
                If you specify that the form for an invoice is to be printed as a liveprint (Standard form and Choose form pushbuttons, theinvoice is archived automatically.
                Please note that the invoice can only be archived if the appropriateinvoice form was activated for archiving in the ImplementationGuide for IS-Healthcare.
                • Cancelling invoices

                • You can cancel a selected invoice by clicking the Cancelpushbutton.
                  Please remember that all the invoices that are assigned to a logicalinvoice number are cancelled! This means that you can only make aselection in the list at the logical invoice level - you cannot selectindividual invoices.
                  The billing date of the invoice is used as the billing date of thecancellation.