SAP Program RN2_TEST_KODECLIP - Test Environment for Function Module KODECLIP

Test Environment for KODIP®KodeClip OLE Interface from Version 2.1.3

You can find further information in the documentation for the functionmodule ISH_N2_KODECLIP.

KodeClip must be registered under the ClassID KODIPclp.DiagnoseOP
on the work station.


You can transfer a string that contains the ID "OP" or "PROZ", tospecify the KODIP® OPS coding. If instead, you enter the term "ICD",the KODIP® Diagnosis coding is defined. If you use the abbreviation"HIT" in combination with one of these terms (e.g. #HITOP# or #OPHIT#),the system will start the KODIP®KodeClip hit list window. If you do notenter any mode, the program will start in diagnosis mode.
Search String for Text Search
Transferring a search string. You can enter several search strings inthis variable.
Parameters for Diagnoses (maximum of three diagnosesin this test environment 1-3)
ICD Text
This variable can contain the description of the ICD-10 Kodes in textform.
ICD Code
The ICD-10 code can be transferred to this field.
Changeable Indicator 'X'
Indicates whether this entry can be changed or not. Before thisdiagnosis is transferred to KODIP®KodeClip, you can enter "FIXED" or"X" to prevent the entry being changed. KODIP®KodeClip will thendisplay an icon in the form of a closed padlock in the relevant lines.
Unique Line ID
This entry is transferred in the interface and cannot be changed byKODIP®KodeClip. it must always be returned as a result variable to thistransfer line.
Parameters for Procedures (maximum of threeprocedures in this test environment 1-3)
OPS Text
This variable can contain the description of the OPS code in text form.
OPS Code
The OPS code can be transferred to this field.
ÄChangeable indicator 'X'
Indicates whether this entry can be changed or not. Before thisdiagnosis is transferred to KODIP®KodeClip, you can enter "FIXED" or"X" to prevent the entry being changed. KODIP®KodeClip will thendisplay an icon in the form of a closed padlock in the relevant lines.
Unique Line ID
This entry is transferred in the interface and cannot be changed byKODIP®KodeClip. it must always be returned as a result variable to thistransfer line.

Diagnoses called according to ICD-10 Version 1.3 and proceduresaccording to OPS 2.0 Version 2.1

List of all transferred and received fields