SAP Program RN2_RAD_ADMIN_WORKSTATION - Radiology Findings Work Station


Radiology Findings Work Station

The Radiology Findings Work Station presents the radiologicalexaminations, which have no findings as yet. These examinations arepresented in a status-related worklist, which can be restricted usingselection criteria. The worklist is divided into findings documentswhich must be created, and existing findings documents which have yet tobe released. These can be described as "provisional findings".
From the work station, you can view important documents, for example,the examination documents.
It also offers the prefindings (RIS studies) and findings reportsregistered in RAD. If an image viewer is connected, you canaccess the PACS studies using the RIS Communication Client (RCC).

The worklist of examinations without findings is a result of thequantity of radiological examinations which have the STUDY COMPLETED
(image acquisition completed) status.
The provisional findings worklist (examinations with findingswhich have not yet been released) contains the radiological examinationswith the provisional findings text or provisional findingsdictated (REPORT TRANSCRIBED [VT], REPORT DICTATED[VD]) status.
Prefindings are all examinations with released findings documents

The RAD component must be professionally configured. Inparticular, there must be a defined status network available forradiological examinations, and these must automatically be created bythe system for each examination.


The initial screen offers presettings for the findings documentation andselection criteria for the worklist.

Presettings for the findings documentation
Institution,,Institution, preset from user parameter EIN
Documenting Organizational Unit,,Document publisher, preset from userparameter OED
Employee Responsible,,Documenting employee, findings creator, presetfrom user parameter VMA

Selection criteria for the worklist,,
Requesting Organizational Unit,,Requester
Performing Organizational Unit,,Service performer, e.g. CT
Date of Service Perfoemance,,,,
Performing Person,,Employees involved in the performance of the service
Display Entire Request,,In addition to the service selected by theperforming person, all services belonging to the request are included inthe worklist.
Worklist as List,,When selected, displays the worklist as a list (ALVgrid) otherwise as a tree. Preset from user parameter N2_RAD_ALV.

In the standard initial screen the institution is preset from the userparameter EIN, the documenting OU is preset from the userparameter OED, and the documenting employee from the userparameter VMA. You can create and select individually designedvariants with your own presettings.
By selecting the Worklist as List checkbox, you can replace thetree with an ALV grid. This sets the user parameter N2_RAD_ALV .