SAP Programs

Program Text
RN2DOC_SET_DELETION_INDICATOR Set Deletion Indicator for Med. Documents
RN2DOC_SET_NDOC_LEIST Correct service name for service reference in NDOC
RN2DOC_SET_NDOC_OES Correct the OUs for Movements or Services in NDOC
RN2DS_COLLECT_ALL_FILES Device Data Interface: File Import, Use as Job
RN2DS_FB_EXTRACT_PMD Download Cardiology Data (Document Content)
RN2DTDOWNLOAD Download of Document Categories into XML File
RN2DTUPLOAD Upload of Document Categories
RN2DWSWL_WORK_TIDYUP Close and Delete Situations
RN2F4_ADMIN_HIT_TREE Management of Catalog Templates and Hit Lists
RN2F4_CREATE_CATALOG Create Catalog Template from Basic Tables
RN2FDBS_PRINT Print the external data module table
RN2FD_01 List of all QUERY functions acc. to EDM entry (client-independent)
RN2GENPRINTCONTROLS Generate all Print Control Programs for an Institution
RN2GET01 Retrieval of Unstructured Findings in HCM Format
RN2GET01_TESTDATA Test Program: Retrieval of Unstructured Findings in HCM Format
RN2GET02 Retrieval of Structured Lab Findings in HL7 Format
RN2GET02_TESTDATA Test Program: Retrieve Structured Lab Findings in HL7 Format
RN2GET04 Retrieval of Unstructured Lab Values in HL7 Format
RN2GET04_TESTDATA Text Prog: Retrieve Unstructured Lab Values in HL7 Format
RN2GL_ADM_LAYOUT pathways Edit Layout
RN2GL_MIGRATE Pathways: Conversion
RN2GL_PROPOSAL_DELETE Treatment Pathway: Delete Proposals for Patient Pathway
RN2GL_PROPOSAL_LOG Treatment Pathway: Logs of Deleted Pathway Proposals
RN2GL_REPORTING pathways Evaluations
RN2GL_RP_DWS Pathways Evaluations
RN2GL_RP_RACT pathways: Evaluation of Activities
RN2GL_RP_RASS pathways: Evaluation of Pathway Assignment
RN2GL_RP_RDEC pathways: Evaluation of Decision Process
RN2GL_RP_ROVW pathways Overview Patient Pathways
RN2GL_RP_RSTE pathways: Evaluation of Pathway Usage - Steps
RN2GL_RP_RUSE pathways: Evaluation of Pathway Usage
RN2GL_START_MONITOR Manage Treatment Pathways
RN2HIT_EMERGENCY_DEL (Internal:) Delete Inconsistent Findings Hit Lists
RN2HIT_LISTINTEGRITY_CHCK Integrity Check for Findings Hit List Tables
RN2HIT_LIST_EDIT Hit List Maintenance
RN2HIT_LIST_EDIT_EXTENDED Enhanced Hit List Maintenance
RN2HL7_INSD_TESTDATEN Creating a message file for doc. links in HL7 format
RN2KUMDRUCK1 Cumulative Findings Composite Print, All Patients of an OU
RN2KUMDRUCK2 Cumul.Findings Composite Print, All Patients in Institution
RN2KUMDRUCK3 Cumulative Findings-Composite Print per Patient
RN2KUMLEIST Display all Values of a Service
RN2LABOR_CORRECT_STATUS Special Program for Releasing Documents
RN2LAY_CTRL_02 Main Program for the Layout Control in Generator
RN2LAY_CTRL_03 Main Program for the Layout Control in Generator
RN2LAY_CTRL_04 Main Program for the Layout Control in Generator
RN2LAY_CTRL_05 Main Program for the Layout Control in Generator
RN2LAY_CTRL_06 Main Program for the Layout Control in Generator
RN2LAY_CTRL_07 Main Program for the Layout Control in Generator
RN2LAY_CTRL_08 Main Program for the Layout Control in Generator
RN2LAY_CTRL_09 Main Program for the Layout Control in Generator
RN2LAY_CTRL_10 Main Program for the Layout Control in Generator
RN2LEI_CORRECT_TIME Set To Time for Material Services
RN2LFALN Medical Specialist Experience Record
RN2LLPAT Evaluation for Services, Patients and Employees
RN2LN204 Management of Document Templates and PC Programs
RN2LN204N Management of Document Templates and PC Programs
RN2LN205N Application Server Directory Files Utility
RN2LN209 Initializes a Winword Document Category on a PC
RN2LN210 Management of the n2extload Table
RN2LN211 Relocation of Documents from the Database into a File System
RN2LN212 Display and Print Cumulative Findings
RN2LN212OE Display and Print Cumulative Findings for each OU
RN2LN213 Evaluation of Memory Requirement of PC Documents
RN2LN215 Writes Export File for Graphical Layout Processing GLP
RN2LN216 Reads Import File for Graphical Layout Processing GLP
RN2LN217 Automatic Status Change for Med. Documents
RN2LN218 Graph. Cumulative Finding Technical Change
RN2LN2DL0 List Report Service-Related Document Profile
RN2LN2DL1 List Report Where-Used List of Document Categories for Services
RN2LN2DO0 List Report OU-Related Document Profile
RN2LN2DO1 List Report Where-Used List of Document Categories in OUs
RN2LN2HL List Report OU Diagnosis Hit Lists
RN2LOADTBS Obsolete: Transfer Text Modules from TEXTBAUS.MDB
RN2LOADTBSSM Obsolete: Transfer Markers
RN2LOCKDUMMY0 Dummy Report for Setting LOCK
RN2LOP01 OR Changeover Times
RN2LOP02 Surgery Time Stamp Statistics
RN2LOP03 Surgery Personnel Obligations
RN2LOP05 Utilization Statistics for Operating Rooms
RN2LOP06 Surgery Medical Specialist Service Statement
RN2LOP07 Transfer of Hierarchical Material Lists
RN2MOPBE Generated SAPscript Control: 201 0001 N0M_OPBERI Vs. 01
RN2MOPPR Generated SAPscript Control: 201 0001 N0M_OPPROT Vs. 01
RN2MOPPS Generated SAPscript Control: 201 0001 N0M_PROBSC Vs. 01
RN2MOPZU Generated SAPscript Control: 201 0001 N0M_OPZUSA Vs. 01
RN2N2CAP Generated SAPscript Control: 200 0001 N4PVB Vs. 01
RN2N3AF01 Generated SAPscript Control: 201 0001 N3AFRM01 Vs. 02
RN2N3AF02 Generated SAPscript Control: 201 0001 N3AFRM02 Vs. 02
RN2N3AF03 Generated SAPscript Control: 201 0001 N3AFRM03 Vs. 02
RN2N3AF04 Generated SAPscript Control: 201 0001 N3AFRM04 Vs. 02
Lines 34501 to 34600 of 57103 entries
1 344 345 346 347 348 572