SAP Program RN2UTDTS - System Collective Transport - Doc.Categories (Obsolete)

For calling the collective transport between systems, the ReportRN2UTDTS is now available. The client can always call the report,from which the transport is to take place.
You can find a detailed description for transporting document categoriesin the section Transport document categoriesinto the production environment.
Please read this section completely before you transport documentcategories.

Selection screen
Data about the source are required for the collective transport documentcategories.
As source information, you should enter which Documentcategories from which Institutions are to be transported intothe target area.
A version is to be indicated if individual document categoriesare to be transported by using this function.
If multiple document categories are to be transported (genericinformation for document category is possible), the current versions aretransported for each one.
There are two transport variants for the transport of thedocument categories:
The transport variant Document category with concrete design isthe standard case for individual developments by the user. Developmentobjects remain in the test/development system. Only the executabledocument category is to be transported on to the production client.
The transport variant Document category with concrete and abstractdesign is intended for the case where sample document categories aretransported from one development system into another developmentsystem. This can be necessary for consultant companies who want to makesamples available to their customers.
Optionally, the user has so-called repository objects(client-dependent development objects), belonging to the documentdefinition to also be stored in the transport job (task).
Storing this object is intentionally optional, since when creating theserepository objects in the test/development system, the change andtransport system is normally activated. This automatically createstransport tasks, which are transported separately into the productionsystem.
This option is then important if sample document categories for anexternal target system that is not networked with the source system areto be "unloaded".
For transporting development objects, the user can select whichtype of development object is to be transported.
Variations are the following:

  • Data elements and domains

  • User exits for the document category

  • User exits for documentation elements

  • External data modules with related DDIC structures

  • SAPscript application.

  • Please note that none of these objects may be blocked in othercorrection or repair requests when calling the system transport, andthat it is required that all objects to be transported are assigned to atransportable development class (e.g., that the objects are notprivate/local).
    Independent of whether this is a production transport or a compositetransport, it holds that no transport task is created if a single one ofthe objects to be transported is blocked or are local/private. If thereare objects of this type, they appear in the dialog window"Non-transportable objects". You can therefore unblock the objectsconcerned and/or assign transportable development classes to them. Youcan additionally call the system transport again.
    Please also note that with the generated SAPscript applications,usuallylocal/private objects are involved, to which you must assign atransportable development class. After you have done this, you can alsoseparately transport the correction functions created for this, so thatyou do not have to optionally upload the SAPscript application into yoursystem transport.
    Please also consider that special rules apply for the transport ofSAPscript applications, which are described in various OSS notes. Themost important rule is those that SAPscript forms must be always beimported into the client zero of the target system. This holds also forthe procedure (the work steps) of the system transport of documentcategories.
    If you transport development objects, there is additionally theOption, to exclude objects of certain sources from the transport.
    Principally, there can be three sources of development objects on yoursystem:
    • Individual objects that you created on your system.

    • External objects that were not created on the current system. These
    • would be those development objects on your production system transportedfrom the test/development system.
      • SAP objects that SAP supplied to all customer systems. This includes all
      • development objects of the sample document categories.
        You can exclude either external development objects or SAP developmentobjects from the transport.

        Log display
        A list will appear of document categories that could be set in thetransport task.
        You also see the following error messages and info messages:

        • Document category is not ready for transport (status?)

        • Document category does not exist in the source clients

        • Document category does not contain a concrete design.