SAP Program RN2UTDTM2 - Client Transport of Document Categories

The program RN2UTDTM2 is provided to enable you to collectivelytransport between clients. You must always call the program from theclient into which the transport is to take place (target client).
The transport of document categories is described in the
component under Enhanced Basic Data -> ParameterizedDocument Categories -> Transport of Document Categories.
Selection Screen:
You make the necessary entries. You only need to enter a versionif you wish to transport individual document categories.
If you will transport multiple document categories (generic documentcategory entry is possible), the system will transport the currentversions each time.
As the target, you enter the institution. You must ensure that thetarget client is identical to the current client. It is possible totransport document categories between institutions in the same client.
There are three transport variants for transporting documentcategories:
The transport variant Document Category with Element List is thestandard case for individual user developments. Development objectsremain in the test/development system. Only the executable documentcategory should be transported into the productive client.
The transport variant Document Category with Element List andAbstract Design is intended for when sample document categories in adevelopment system are transported from the import client into thetest/development client.
The transport variant Document Category with All Application Namesand Table Names is necessary for transporting complete, executableapplications like the supplied application "Surgery" from theimport client of a system into a target client.
You can no longer generate these applications, they are deliveredcomplete with generated dialog applications and print applicationsincluding a blank document table. For example, since all i.s.h.medSurgery applications are delivered for the pseudo-institution "1", it isimportant to enter another institution as the target institution.
As an additional option, you can specify whether existing documentcategories should be overwritten in the target client, if necessary. Inthis case, you must consider that this option can overwrite documentcategories already existing in production therefore destroying them. Forthis function, you can select the additional option Test Runbefore the actual transport, in order to view the transport log.

The system will list document categories that can be successfullytransported.
You will additionally receive the following error and informationmessages:

  • Overwrite document category in the target client

  • Document category already exists in the target client

  • Document category is not ready for transport (Status?)

  • Document category does not exist in the source client

  • Document category does not contain a definite design.

1562312ACM: N3KVMST06 Überweisungsschein Änderungen zu 4.2011
1262047ACM: Produktivsetzung DALE-UV 8.1.01
1167390ACM: KV-Dokumente ab 1.7.08 - Aktivitäten zur Inbetriebnahme
1237866ACM: KV-Dokumente Heilmittelverordnung flexible Anzahl
1230584ACM: KV Dok N3KVMST10 V03 neues Druckformular 7.2008
1160395ACM: KV-Dokumente neue Version ab 1.7.2008
1099988ACM: DALE-UV Umstellung auf Version 7.3.2
987567ACM: Nullwerte in BG-Dokumenten (Messblätter)
970625ACM Augenarztbricht F1030: Änderung bei Eingabe Sehschärfe
957689ACM: AMIS ZI Medikamentensuche
943016Ambulanz: BG F4222/ 4224/ 6222 Nullwertbehandlung beim Druck