SAP Program RN2SASKL - ASA Classification Statistics

The report RN2SASKL contains the statistics of the ASAclassifications for the operated patients.
The ASA classification is entered at the visit for premedication.

The ASA classifications are selected using the search conditionsentered. Here the entry of the institution is necessary. With the OU(organizational unit), either the requesting OU or the performing OUare to be entered. Here the requesting OU and the performing OU aredisplayed simultaneously. Other entry fields have a set choice of theASA classification and refer to patient, case, movement and surgery.

The ASA classifications are totaled per nursing OU or performing OU.The totals are additionally displayed per departmental OU andinstitution.

586073Additions to IS-H 4.71 upgrade with Enterprise 47x110 SR1
618340IS-H*MED: Save Surgery Doc. Content Before Upgrade to 4.7x
720861RN2SASKL and RN2LFALN for 4.71 or 4.72 (New Customers)