SAP Program RN2LOP06 - Surgery Medical Specialist Service Statement

In order to receive classification as a specialist, a physician mustprove that he was solely responsible for a specific number of surgeries.This report is used to evaluate surgeries in which the physician wasinvolved.

The specialist himself can view his own specialist classification, aswell as third parties. In the master data of the employee you must useSAP Easy Access -> Hospital -> Basic Data Administration -> BusinessPartner -> Employee to flag the Employee field. You must alsouse the flag function in the User Name field to enter theuser ID of the employee.
Authorized third parties must have the authorization object N_2FARZTNWassigned. This contains the authorization field N_MITARB in which thespecialists whose specialist classifications can be viewed by thirdparties, are entered.

You can restrict the evaluation by institution, surgery date, employee,organizational unit (OU), task in surgery team, and procedure. If youselect by OU, the system will only take into account OUs of the'operating area' type. The institution, evaluation period, and employeeare mandatory entries.
If the Display Task in Surgery Team and Display Date ofSurgery indicators are not set, the corresponding columns are hiddenin the display.
If the Surgical Assignment Only indicator is set, the system willonly display procedures to which the employee is directly assigned.
Team members are assigned to procedures in the surgical documentation.

Depending on the selection criteria, the system displays the datagrouped by departmental OU, surgery date, the procedure code or the taskin surgery team. Each procedure is counted with the number 1. At the endof the display all procedures are totaled. Subtotals are always madeusing the procedure code, regardless of the grouping.
If the Procedure Assignment Only indicator is set, the systemonly displays procedures to which emplyees were directly assigned in thesurgical documentation. If the indicator is not set, the system displaysall procedures in which the employee was involved. The SurgicalAssignment column then contains an indicator for the procedures with adirect assignment.

924412Surgical Evaluation: Specialist Service Certificate RN2LOP06