SAP Program RN2LOP05 - Utilization Statistics for Operating Rooms

Utilization statistics provide an overview of surgery durations inrelation to the opening times of the operating rooms or the shifts ofthe personnel.




You can restrict the evaluation by institution, surgery date,organizational unit (OU) and operating room. For the OU selection, onlythose of the 'operative area' are taken into account. For the time stampselection, only those of the type 'D' (duration) are taken into account.Institution, evaluation period and time stamp are required entry fields.

Calculation of the Duration
The duration of a surgery can be calculated over selected time stamps orover the total duration (chronologically from the first to the last timestamp). The system ignores surgeries for which the time stamps have notbeen maintained.

Depending on the evaluation variant, the utilization of the operatingrooms refers to different reference values. You can select between theOperating Room Opening Times and Personnel Shift Timesevaluation variants.
For the opening times, the system calculates the surgery durations basedon the opening times defined for the operating rooms.
For personnel shift times, the system calculates the surgery durationsaccording to the defined personnel shift times.
For the operating room utilization statistics, the system "cuts" thedurations - irrespective of the statistics-relevant time of thesurgeries - depending on the evaluation variant for normal time /remaining time or regular shift / late shift / on-call and distributesthem to these time categories.

You can group the evaluation by OU or operating room.

Shift Times
In the Personnel Shift Times section you can enter the times forthe start and end of the regular or late shift. Times outside of theregular and late shift are considered on-call.
If the start of the regular shift contains the value 00:00:00, thismeans that regular shift starts at 00:00. If the end of the regularshift contains the value 00:00:00, this means that no regularshift has been defined. If the regular shift is to end at midnight,enter 24:00:00 as the end of the regular shift.
If the end of the late shift contains the value 00:00:00, thismeans that no late shift has been defined. If the late shift is to endat midnight, enter 24:00:00 as the end of the late shift.
If you do not define any shift times, all fields must contain the value00:00:00. All surgeries are then evaluated as on-call.
If you select Include Plant Calendar , the system will addSaturdays, Sundays and public holidays to on-call duty.
The following applies for the Personnel Shift Times evaluationvariant: You use the checkbox in front of the weekdays to explicitlydefine the days that evaluation is to take place for. You also have todefine this if you define all personnel shift times with zero. Theselection of all work days is the default selection. You can howeverdefine any other combination and save it in a selection variant. Thesystem will not evaluate data for a weekday which is not checked.
The system will ignore the checkbox for the OR Opening Timesevaluation variant and will evaluate all days.

Depending on the selection, the output is sorted by OU or operatingroom.
The utilization of the operating room is given in percent. Thecalculated times are set in relation to the reference value forpercentage utilization .
If the Include Plant Calendar indicator is set, the date ismarked with an 'F' in the output if it is a Saturday, Sunday or publicholiday.
You can branch to the surgery monitor using the hotspot on the patient'sname.
If you do not wish to view the patient's details, you can hide them byclicking on the Expand-Collapse icon.

Output of Evaluation Variant for Operating Room Opening Times
The normal time column contains the durations of the time stamps whichare within the opening times of the room. The remaining time columncontains the duration of the time stamps which are outside of theopening times of the room. Breaks within the opening time of anoperating room are evaluated as remaining time.
If a time stamp starts at 10:45 the opening time of the room starts at11:00, the first 15 minutes of the time stamp duration will becalculated in the remaining time and not in the normal time. If asurgery ends at 18:15 and the opening time of the room ends at 18:00,the 15 minutes are calculated as remaining time.
The Normal Capacity of an operating room is defined by theopening times of the planning object. Navigate using SAP Easy AccessHospital -> Basic Data Management -> Hospital Structure ->Organizational Structure -> Planning Object. The opening times aredefined by the start time and end time of theshift/consulting times for the planning object.
The remaining capacity is the difference between 24 hours per dayand normal capacity.
Room capacities are added up using the relevant evaluation period.

Output of Evaluation Variant for Personnel Shift Times
The regular and late shift columns contain the durations of the timestamps which are within the shift times. Everything that is not in theregular or late shift is added to on-call duty.
A time stamp starts at 07:45 and the regular shift starts at 08:00, thefirst 15 minutes of the time stamp duration are added to on-call dutyand not to the regular shift. If a time stamp ends at 16:15 and theregular shift ends at 16:00, the last 15 minutes of the time stampduration are added to the late shift or on-call duty if no late shifthas been defined.
The regular shift capacity is calculated from the duration of theregular shift added up over the evaluation period. The late shiftcapacity is calculated in the same way. The on-call capacityis the result of 24 hours per day minus the regular and late shiftcapacity added up over the evaluation period.