SAP Program RN2LOP01 - OR Changeover Times

OR changeover time statistics provide an overview of the changeover timebetween time stamps. Changeover time statistics are used as part ofprocess optimization, unused resources can therefore be avoided.
The changeover time is the interval between the end of one surgery andthe start of a new surgery. Changeover times can be determined for alltime durations (transaction N2ZP, column "Type" = D) defined inCustomizing. The evaluation algorithm inverts these durations aschangeover times.
Example: The "incision-suture" duration leads to a changeover time of"suture surgery A - incision surgery B". In this way the evaluationinverts the duration of a selected time stamp as a "changeover time".

You can restrict the evaluation by institution, evaluation period andoperating room. If you select the operating room, the building categoryis a required entry.
You can select whether only main surgeries are evaluated or whether mainand secondary surgeries are evaluated together. Enter the suitable timestamp in accordance with this selection. You should ensure that theselected time stamps suit each other if you combine main and secondarysurgeries for an evaluation (example: main surgery incision-suture time,secondary surgery incision-suture time).
Institution, evaluation period and time stamp are required entries forthe main surgery.

Shift times
In the personnel shift times section you can enter the times forthe start and end of the regular or late shift. Times outside of theregular and late shifts are considered on-call.
If the start of the regular shift contains the value 00:00:00, thismeans that the regular shift starts at 00:00. If the end of the regularshift contains the value 00:00:00, this means that no regularshift has been defined. If the regular shift is to end at midnight,enter 24:00:00 as the end of the regular shift.
If the end of the late shift contains the value 00:00:00, thismeans that no late shift has been defined. If the late shift is to endat midnight, enter 24:00:00 as the end of the late shift.
If you do not define any shift times, all fields must contain the value00:00:00. All surgeries will then be evaluated as on-call.
If you select Include Plant Calendar, the system will addSaturdays, Sundays and public holidays to on-call duty.
You use the checkbox in front of the weekdays to explicitly define theweekdays that the evaluation is to be performed for. You also have to dothis if you do not define any personnel shift times. The default settingis the definition of all working days. You can however define any othercombination and save it in a selection variant. The system does notevaluate data for a weekday which has not been checked.

The changeover time is assigned to the preceding surgery. The systemdetermines which shift a changeover time belongs to using thestatistics-relevant time of previous surgery.
The evaluated changeover times are specified together with the "pair ofpatients" concerned and are grouped by date and operating room. Forsecondary surgeries there is the special feature that the same patientbelongs to the two adjoining surgeries. You have the possibility tobranch to the surgery monitor using the hotspot on the patient's name,this enables you to view the details for a secondary surgery for anevaluation with secondary surgeries. If a secondary surgery exists for aprincipal surgery, the relevant patient is flagged by "(P)" for aprincipal surgery and a "(S)" for a secondary surgery.
For overlapping changeover times (e.g. anesthesia end for surgery1 overlaps with anesthesia start 2), the system displays the individualduration in the detailed display as negative. Negative values forchangeover times do not go into the total, instead they are calculatedas a changeover time with the value zero during totaling.
For changeover times which have the value zero, this value is displayedas a blank in the row with the corresponding surgeries.
Surgeries which do not have any time specifications cannot have anychangeover times calculated for them.

Taking personnel shift times into account
The system outputs changeover times from the start of a shift to thefirst surgery within the shift time ("Start Time"), then from surgery tosurgery, and then from the last surgery to the end of the shift time("End Time"). The system does not group "Start Times" and "End Times"separately in the evaluation, instead you can identify them by thechronologically displayed changeover sequence.
Changeover times, which exceed a shift time boundary are assignedto a shift time according to the statistics-relevant time of thepreceding surgery. A changeover time which exceeds the shift timeboundary is cut at this boundary into an "end time" which still belongsto the shift time and into a "start time" which belongs to the nextshift time.
A shift time (mainly the on-call shift) basically ends at the 00:00boundary and a new shift time begins which belongs to the next day.The result of this is that this shift (mainly the on-call shift) canoccur twice within 24 hours and can therefore have two start times andtwo end times.
If a surgery exceeds the shift time boundary and it still belongsto the first shift time due to the statistics-relevant time, thechangeover time relating to the shift time is then zero. The start timeof the succeeding shift is shortened by the amount of time that theprevious surgery extends into the succeeding shift. The shortened starttime is flagged by "(-)" behind the "Start of Shift" text
If a surgery exceeds the 00:00 boundary and it still belongs tothe previous day due to the statistics-relevant time, the changeovertime relating to the shift time on the previous day is then zero. Thestart time of the following day is shortened by the amount of time thatthe previous surgery extends into the following day. The shortened starttime is flagged by a "(-)" behind the "Start of Day" text