SAP Program RN2LN217 - Automatic Status Change for Med. Documents

Delays in automatic conversion of the document status
If a status network that recognizes at least two statuses is definedfor a document, then a delayed modification of the document status cantake place with this report.
Document type
Document category
DokTypVersionsnummer Version number for the document category
Document status from
Status of the document type "from" which
Document status to
Status in which switching takes place
Delay in hours
Number of hours that a document will have been in the document status"from", before advancing into the document status "to".

For each document with delayed modification of the status, a variant ofthis program should be created. The entering of this should take placeas a job.
It is recommended that you let this program run in the backgroundduring heavy traffic periods.
A logical check of the status assignment does not take place.

A log is output showing the number of modifications of the documentstatus.