SAP Program RN2LN212 - Display and Print Cumulative Findings

This report prepares cumulative findings for output via a SAPSCRIPTinterface or displays it on the screen. The transfer of the values tobe output takes place via the structures N2LABOR, N2LABOR001, N2TEXTand RN2LABCUST.
If RN2LABCUST is filled, the assignment of services to service groupsis taken from this table. If it is not filled, this assignment is takenfrom table RN2LABO01, that is, directly from the lab values. In bothcases, the services which cannot be assigned to any group are separatedand distinguished by a header "unknown".
The formatting for SAP Script or the screen output proceedsline-by-line, and each line contains - separated by the delimitersy-vline:
'1': Patient name etc.
'2': Patient no., Case no.
'3': Order numbers
'4': Received date
'5': Received time
'6': Group description
'7': Measured value line (currently the last five values)
'8': Comment Title
'9': Comment Text
Utility fields: The remaining entries
This is an internal report, and cannot be directly called. It can becalled from FG N20L ish_n2_kummulativbefund. For the SAP-Script print,ISHMED_PRINT_LABORBEFUND is called.
* All modifications in the time process
* In the variable "Page", the text line is transferred into "line":
* 'line' is separated by | (sy-vline).
* The first field describes the "Type" of line:
* '1' : First Line: Patient Name, etc.
* '2' : Second line: Patient Number, Case Number
* '3' : Order numbers
* '4' : Received date
* '5' : Received time
* '6' : Group description ("Coagulation", "Hematology", etc.)
* '7' : Measured value line
* '8' : Comment title (Comments for Request Number .....)
* '9' : Comment text
* The other fields contain the displayed text.
* ss_n2labor001 maintains in the fields grpos and lstpos the fixed
* positions grpos and lstpos. If these are blank, display is at the
* end of the list under "unknown"
* If the user parameter "LOE" is set, transfer of the customizing data
* will take place into ss_labcust (permanent display). It will then be
* printed without lines if no values exist.
* If ss_labcust is blank, the values from ss_n2labor001 are displayed,
* if the group number is blank for these, then they will be displayed
* under the position "unknown".
* Services are identified by the field leistid. For this reason, a
* unique assignment is important.
* 27.11.1997 meyerth
* Correction FM Rummelsberg: "Group Header is truncated after 16
* characters" (0120025233 0100050242 1997)
* Correction FM Rummelsberg: "Parameter for which no group
* reference was specified in customizing, always display at the
* end"
* (0120025233 0100050250 1997)
* 03.12.1997 meyerth
* Correction FM Rummelsberg: "The entry '*' in the table
* (z)tn2kum02 has no effects. All of the services (...)
* appear in the group "unknown"
* (0120025233 0100050249 1997)
* 05.01.1997 meyerth
* Correction: Type-8 message is no longer displayed, Type-9 message
* must correctly be displayed.
* 1. ss_n2text-txt is prepared by "ISH_N2_TEXT_LONG_TO_BUFFER"
* as an internal table.
* 2. write_typ9_zeile simply write tok-entry (without) at etc.
* 06.01.1998 meyerth
* Correction for Version 4.
* write / uline mandatorily lengthens key word 'at' for position
* specification. Corrected lines have comments (V4).
* 19.01.1998 meyerth
* Correction FM Boeblingen: Individual values do not appear,
* sequence of columns (order numbers) is not correct
* (sorted by date, but not by time)
* 23.01.1998 meyerth
* Correction FM Boeblingen: The order number appears instead of the
* patient number.
* 29.01.1998
* Enhancement Rummelsberg: The measured values also appear, that
* have not yet been transferred with the value "following", but
* without measuring unit and interval ---> Modifications necessary
* for setting up measured value line.
* 30.01.1998
* Conversion for Version 4: Line size 120
* 24.02.1998
* Support with legends.
* 10.03.1998
* Enhancement: OU-related print selection (Basic version: Read
* from the tables tnf08 and tnf10)
* 16.03.1998
* Sorting of the measured values into the function module moved to
* 16.03.1998
* "Sample date " changed to "Received date (and time)".
* 26.03.1998
* OU-related print selection redeveloped.
* 31.03.1998
* Scrolling logic
* 01.04.1998
* Fixed display length for (received) date and time.
* Pushbutton for SAP-Script display added.
* Display of the findings header with TOP-of-PAGE event (made
* extensive restructuring necessary!)
* 20.04.1998
* Redevelopment: These will be correctly displayed also for
* fewer than five (5) columns.
* 04.05.1998
* Display control via IS-H function module
* 12.05.1998
* Option to call customer user-exit for cumulative findings report
* 15.05.1998
* Error correction:
* Ending sy-vline into concatenate '2' ....
* (important, if l_orgkb blank)
* 05.06.1998
* Error correction
* If user parameter LOE set (= "X"), then incorrectly
* only lab values displayed, for which also values exist (outside of
* the display interval shown). However all parameters and groups
* should be displayed.
* 10.06.1998
* - line-count 65 taken out, because this causes multiple page
* headers in the screen display (when scrolling down)
* (SAPscript display is hopefully not affected by this...)
* - Layout change, time without seconds, for this if necessary
* "Task not yet completed" indicator (ss_labor-markorder)
* Measuring units increased by 8 bytes, Description shortened by 13
* bytes, Columns lengthened by one byte.
* 11.06.1998
* Insert right-justified selection indicator (ss_labor001-char_mark)
* 12.06.1998
* char_mark insert right-justified reworked.
* 18.06.1998
* Display values without doc-reference (see error corr. from
* 05.06.98) but only if user parameter LOE set to "X" (must be
* queried by user)
* 23.06.1998
* "Correction" of 15.05.98 retroactively reset since it creates
* lines of the form 2| .. | .. | Sender | || which might
* confuse SAPSCRIPT. The initiating factor for this was the
* check to see why SAPSCRIPT no longer printed the sender
* The correction resulted in the desired effect.
* Corrected despite this. l_orgkb and l_einri are set again by the
* user after they are transferred, if the transfer has errors.
* Text "ORGKB" replaced by "Sender".
* write_typ3_zeile: Incorrect length of "Task number: " (String)
* corrected.
* 24.06.1998
* Meaning of the user parameter LOE is now:
* "D" Display of all values when printing
* "X" Display of all values in the dialog
* "XD" or "DX": Display of all values in the printout or dialog
* Data are summarized corresponding to the caller; Here
* you must only decide whether a string is transferred that contains
* "D" or "X".
* - Error: Too many selections displayed -->
* Initialization of mark_val inserted, so that selections are
* correctly displayed
* 25.06.1998
* Legend code is separated in the value field by ';'.
* Necessary data declarations are now centralized at the program
* start.
* 09.07.1998
* Fixed lengths for KAT and NORM corrected to benefit the reference
* to n2labor001- n2kattext and n2labor-n2normal
* 10.07.1998
* Defaults for l_orgkb and l_einri are swapped.
* 15.07.1998
* Services with the same ID are additionally differentiated by
* n2subid and also appear under the cumulative findings with the
* same name (conceived for periodically repeating lab measurements)