This program is used to delete temporary entries in tableN2DSDEVICE_DATA. Using the report
RN2DS_COLLECT_ALL_FILES entries concerning device data are created inthis table. Due to the continual growth in this table, performancerestrictions when searching for entries, may result after a certainperiod of time. To reduce the size of the table, you can use this reportto delete entries according to their date.

You can schedule this program as a job, which is started once everythree months with a variant with dynamic date calculation.

You should note that, when data are successfully imported from the tableN2DSDEVICE_DATA the key of the imported data record is saved in thedocument, and the data record receives a deletion indicator. As aresult, when searching for errors, you can trace back to the deletion ofthe data record, which data record was imported, and use the deletionprocess indicator to separate between data which has already been read,and data which has not yet been imported.

You can use test mode to investigate how many entries, with and withoutdeletion indicators, were removed from the database after the relevantdate.

All selection fields are obligatory, it is not possible to usewildcards. The date refers to the creation date of the record, i.e. thedate of device data import, not of the examination.
Institution: Here you enter the institution within which the device datafall
Symbolic Destination: This flags the device interface / the device fromwhich the data was imported, you enter the logical device name here
Date Limit with Deletion Indicator: Date until which all records withdeletion indicators set should be eliminated, system date - 30 days ispreset
Date Limit Without Deletion Indicator: Date until which all recordswithout deletion indicators set should be eliminated, system date - 60days is preset