SAP Program RN1_CORRECT_CORDER_SCHWKZ - Correction Report for Pregnancy Indicator

Importing the SAP Note 847797 changes the values in the domainN1SCHWANGER.
Prior to import: No = space
After import: No = "N". Not Ascertained = space
Since the data has to be adjusted after this note has been imported, youmust run the report RN1_CORRECT_CORDER_SCHWKZ.
This report corrects the legacy data.


  • If you set the Test Run indicator, the system does not make any
  • changes in the database.
    • If you set the List Output indicator, the system lists the data
    • that was changed with the following information:
      Clinical order ID
      Clinical order title
      Pregnancy indicator

      Clinical order ID
      Clinical order title
      Pregnancy indicator

847797Clinical Order: Pregnancy Indicator