SAP Program RN1SBMJB - Submit Job for Batch Input Data Transfer (Patient/Case)

This report enables the job planning for die permanente interface for
the batch-input data transfer for patients, outpatient or inpatient
cases, transfers and discharges.
A job name is to be entered in the selection screen, which can befreely
selected. You must also enter whether the job is to be planned for the
transfer of outpatient or inpatient cases. A time interval (in minutes)
has to be entered so that the job is performed in certain time
The corresponding variant must be entered for the individualbatch-input
During the initial execution of the report, a variant with the name
PERM SS STAT (job planning for the permanent interface for inpatient
cases) or PERM SS AMBU (job planning for the permanent interface for
patient cases) will be automatically created. This variant is used to
automatically restart the job in accordance with the entered minute
interval after the previous job has ended, e.g. if a job is planned for
Vorgängerjobs erneut automatisch zu starten, d.h. wenn man mit
data transfer with this report, it will run until it is manuallydeleted
from the job overview.
With the transaction SMX (system - jobs) you can have the planned jobs
(job overview) displayed.
If old job logs of the permanent interface should get deleted, the
deletion time and the variant ofthe job log deletion report has to be

For the BI reports (patientsn, outp. cases, inpat. cases, transfers,
discharges), the appropriate variants must be available.