SAP Program RN1PST00 - Data Transfer Patients Create/Change

The report RN1PST00 updates the patient data in the batch-input using
the transaction NP01. Errored records will be saved in a
The patient number will be saved in the table N1PATFAL. From this
point, the successive reports (batch-input cases, transfers,
discharges) read the patient number.
N1RISMIS (Error table):
If errors occur when the patients are being loaded (e.g. an attempt isbeing made to assign another patient to an existing case), an errorentry (UPDKZ = ' ') in the error table will be created and the
successive reports will no longer process this case.
A warning entry (UPDKZ = ' ') is created if the 'critical' patient data
(last name, first name, maiden name, sex and birthdate for an existing
case are changing.

A structure definition (tables TNT2 and TNT2S) must exist for the
sequential dataset. At the start of the report, you also have to enter
the record code for the records to be processed and the entire name of
the sequential dataset. If the sequential dataset contains various
record types (which is normally the case), the appropriate field must
be checked off on the selection screen and the offset and the length of
record type indicator must be entered.
For AKH Linz, a internal number allocation is planned. For this reason,the approporiate field has to be checked off in the selection screen.

If the field "Test mode" is checked off, no batch-input-session will be
created. If you check off the "Error log", possible errors will logged
for you. The "Total log" shows you all screens with each of the field's
If you have created a batch-input-session, you can process this with
the transaction SM35 (System -> Services -> Batch-input -> Process)
as well as analyze it or execute it.