SAP Program RN1MIOPST - Employee - Surgery Statistics

The report RN1MIOPST enables the evaluation of the shift times ofemployees for surgery services. This is accessible using the SAP EasyAccess menu via Clinical System -> OR -> OR System Evaluations.
The system will include internal business partners as well as externalemployees.

You determine the surgeries to be evaluated by selecting the institutionand a time period. You can further restrict your selection to specificemployees and tasks, a service, or the performing OU.
The duration displayed can be transferred from the team documentation.Alternatively you can select a duration from the drop-down list.
You can choose between the display of the number or the duration of thesurgeries.
The institution and the surgery date are mandatory entries.
When sorting services, you can select an assignment type or analphabetical sort order.
A surgery will only appear in the evaluation once it has begun.

For each employee the system will display separate areas, in which theindividual services are displayed for each operating OU. For eachindividual service the system will display the total personnel minutesand also determine the average.
There is a separate display area for services without assignedemployees.
If you selected an assignment type for the sort order, the services willbe displayed in groups.
Using the hot spot (+) to the left of the services or service groups,you can display all the tasks entered for a person for each surgery, aswell as the number or duration.
Additionally, the system will display the secondary surgeries for eachemployee and include these in the total.