SAP Program RMPS_RATING_LIST - Create Submission Directory from Valuation Directory

Using this program, you can create the evaluation directory of thecentral archive and create a submission directory for the cases to betransferred to the central archive and delete the cases that are nottransferred.

Three levels are displayed in the tree overview:

  • Disposal portion (run of a disposal with the program
  • Create Disposal Catalog and List of Providers
    • Records with evaluation status: A, S or T (Display) and K (Delete) of
    • the central archive.
      • Cases

      • You can select and delete cases with superior records with evalutionstatus K marked in red.
        You can export cases with superior records with evaluation status A, Sor T marked green.
        The following data is exported in separate files:
        • Record:: Attribute (ASCII), processing data, submission directory
        • (list of cases), counter log (TIFF), record cover sheet (data record foreach record)
          • Cases: Attribute (ASCII), processing data, process route
          • information, document list (data records of the documents for each case)
            • Documents: Attribute (ASCII), proccessing data and primary
            • information (TIFF) (document itself in all versions)