SAP Program RMPS_IMPORT_KEYWORD_CATALOG - Import Key Word Catalog

Using this program, you can import a key word catalog into the SAP R/3system that is in an external file in TXT format. You can then definewhich characteristics the key word catalog should have.


  • Authorization

  • To import a key word catalog, you need the authorization Manage orAdministrate for the authorization object SRM - Key Word Catalog
    You can find information on the authorization object SRM - Key WordCatalog (S_SRMKCMNT) here.
    • File in TXT Format

    • The following requirements must be met so that the data can be importedcorrectly:
      The first line (table header) of the TXT file consists of three fields:Key Word, Description and Superordinate Key Word.An entry must be made in the field Key Word, but the fieldsdescription and Superordinate Key Word are optional.
      The second line must contain the name of the key word catalog and adescription. The name of the catalog can have a maximum length of 32characters.
      The key words must be arranged in lines in the TXT file.
      If you want to make entries in all three fields, the data in the TXTfile must be separated by the tabulator key.

      You can also use a file in XLS format if you save it in TXT format.

      Example for the structure of your file:
      The example assumes that you want to create a key word catalog"Administration".
      Key word,,description,,superior key word,,(table header)
      Administration,,Catalog for Administration
      Demolition Request,,Construction Project,,Administration
      Waste Transfer,,Disposal,,Waste
      Waste Storage,,Illegal Waste Storage,,Waste