SAP Program RMMR1MRS - Evaluated Receipt Settlement (ERS) with Logistics Invoice Verification

You can use the report RMMR1MRS to effect automatic settlement of goodsreceipts. To settle additional planned delivery costs, set theSettle Goods/Service Items + Planned Delivery Costs indicator.


  • The vendor must be flagged as ERS-capable in the vendor master record.

  • Evaluated receipt settlement must be selected in the PO item.

  • For you to be able to settle planned delivery costs, automatic delivery
  • cost settlement must be activated for the freight vendor in Customizingfor Logistics Invoice Verification.

    You can narrow down your selection on the initial screen.
    You can restrict the transactions for which settlement is to be effectedvia the following selection criteria:

    • Company code

    • Plant

    • Posting date of goods receipt

    • Good receipt document

    • Fiscal year of goods receipt

    • Vendor

    • Purchasing document and purchasing document item

    • Note
      If the Settle Goods/Service Items + Planned Delivery Costsindicator has been set, no GR-related data can be entered.
      You can create invoice documents:
      • Per vendor

      • Per purchase order

      • Per purchase order item

      • Per delivery document/service entry sheet

      • For delivery cost items, the following item data can be changed usingthe BAdI MRM_ERS_IDAT_MODIFY (BAdI to change document lines in ERS):
        • Currency

        • Tax code/jurisdiction code

        • You can run the report in test mode.

          In the standard system supplied, the report outputs a list giving thefollowing information:

          • Execution in test mode:

          • Indicator whether the invoice document can be created
            From the output list, you can display the purchasing document via thepurchasing document number.
            • Execution in update run:

            • From this output list, you can display the following:
              Purchase order
              Accounting document (FI document)

1283750Document Type in ERS for Logistic Invoice Verification
1028158MM: translation for "year"
216997Invoices are posted twice for one goods receipt
701870MRRL, MRIS, MRKO: Settlement without tax number
507861MRRL, MRIS, MRKO: Printing tax no. (§14 Sect. 1 Sls Tax Law)
512299Insufficient initialization at the ERS
460181MRRL: ERS with logistics invoice verification and NF metals
410037Slight rounding error in MIRO, even when balance is 0,00
399825Exclude items from ERS is not correct