SAP Program BPREP001 - Business Partner: Overview

This report generates a business partner overview.
You can limit the selection to individual business partners and/or rolecategories. Via free selections you can use individual business partnermaster data as selection criteria.

If you sort by partner number, grouping or external partner number, thereport generates a list of the selected business partners and thecorresponding addresses, followed by a list of the business partnerroles which meet the selection criteria. .
If you sort by partner role category, the report generates a list ofthe selected role categories, followed by a list of the businesspartners which meet the selection criteria and the correspondingaddresses.
In both cases the system displays information on the role type and thedeletion flag.
If you double-click on a partner field, you branch into the businesspartner display.

If you enter A* to D* in the partner field and 1000 in the role categoryfield, the system displays all the business partners beginning with A,B, C or D which have role 1000.