SAP Program BPFDPINI - Convert Availability Control Tolerance Limits

You can only start this program in transaction OPVC for the projectsapplication or OKOD for the orders application.
With the introduciton of Release 3.0C, table TBPFC, which contains thetolerance limits for availability control, is replaced with table TBPFDabgelöst.
The columns for the two tables are not identical:

  • Table TBPFC includes a +/- sign, which indicates whether the percentage
  • or absolue varianc is positive or negative. In table TBPFD, you definethe percentage usage instead of the percentage variance. The absolutevariance column can contain positive and negative values.
    • Table TBPFC includes an indicator which controls whether the matching
    • availability control entries are active or inactive. By contrast, theentries in TBPFD are automatically active. There is no column for anactive/inactive indicator.
      • Unlike in TBPFC, in table TBPFD, you define the tolerances per
      • controlling area. You thus need to carry out the transactionseparately for each controlling area.
        • Entries from transaction group 99 (availability control threshold
        • values) are not allowed in table TBPFD.
          Owing to these differences, the entries from TBPFC must be modifiedwhen they are transferred to TBPFD. Note the following differentcases:
          • Entries with transaction group 99 are not transferred to table TBPFD.
          • You can enter an availability control threshold value in the budgetprofile in Customizing.
            • Inactive entries are not usually transferred.

            • However, if there is an active entry from transaction group ++ for an
            • inactive entry in TBPFC, this IS transferred to TBPFD, thus activatingthe inactive entry. If you do not want this, you must delete the entrywith transaction group ++ in the new table and replace it with specificentries for the transaction groups for which you want to carry outavailability control. Any modifications to TBPFD should be made inCustomizing, under "Tolerance limits for availability control". Forprojects, this point is in the Project System implementation guideunder "Project budgeting". For orders, go to the implementation guideand choose Controlling --> Overhead cost controlling --> Orders --->Budgeting and availability control.
              • Existing entries in TBPFD are not overwritten.

              • If table TBPFC contains two entries which differ only in respect of
              • their +/- sign, the system transfers only the order with the minussign.
                The old tolerance limits stored in TBPFC are not deleted, regardless ofwhether they are transferred to TBPFD. After using the logs to checkthe new entries in TBPFD for all controlling areas, you must delete theold entries in TBPFC yourself. To do this, access transaction SM30with application O for orders and P for projects, and specify viewV_TBPFC.

                The log lists the entries from the old table and - for entries whichwere transferred - the entry in the new table, so that you can comparethem. Entries not transferred to TBPFD because there were alreadymatching entries there are also listed. The output also distinguishesbetween the cases described above. If more than one case applies to anentry, only one of the cases is listed, so that each entry from TBPFCappears once in the log.