SAP Program BPDIST05 - Reconstruct Budget Values


Reconstruct Budget Values

You use this program if you have changed the budget structure (BS): Youhave added/removed a new level or added, reassigned or deleted anindividual budget object. In order for the budget values to again beconsistent towards the top after the change, you must either manuallyadjust the budget data or start this program. In any case, you mustsubsequently reconstruct the assigned values.
Please note:
As long as there are no budget values or assigned funds for the changedelements saved in the system, a change in the BS is not critical. Thesame is true for the adding of new budget objects. You should, howeverif at all possible, not reassign any budget objects to which budget hasalready been posted.

The distributed value is always 0 and the distributable valuecorresponds to the budget value at the lowest level of the budgetstructure. For all the levels above that, the program determines therespective values as follows: The distributed value of a BS elementcomes from the total of the budget values of all subordinate BSelements. The distributable value of the BS element is not changed bythe program. The budget value of the BS element is therefore onlyadjusted if something has changed in the budget values of thesubordinate BS elements. The program does not overwrite the budgetvalues, but posts the difference determined and then reconstructs thedistributed values for the BS elements.
If you have saved the budget in an inconsistent state and then changedthe budget structure, the budget will remain inconsistent. ProgramReconstruct Budget Values does not overwrite any budget valuesbut adjusts them so that the distributable value remains.
The program does differentiate the derivations according to budgettypes, but writes all of them into the budget type "original budget".Even the budget types you defined yourself are not taken into specialconsideration. The corresponding values are cumulated and put in theoriginal budget under the budget subtype that you entered in theselection screen. If you have not specified a budget subtype, theprogram writes the derivation into the budget subtype "Space".
Parked budget values are also adjusted by the program.
Documents are only generated for the difference posting. Atreconstruction of distributed values, the program only adjusts thecorresponding totals records.
Revenues used from the revenues increasing the budget are not adjustedautomatically. If you are working with revenues increasing the budget,you must execute function Reconstruct additionalrevenues in the next step.

If you adjust Releases, the program saves all deviations underbudget subtype release.
If you want to identify the budget values that are changed by thisprogram, you can have the values written into a separate budgetsubtype. In this case, the program will not write the derivations intobudget subtype "Space", but into the budget subtype you specified.

Execute program
Execute this program in the background.
Ensure that no budget documents and no documents that are subject tothe active availability control are posted in the system during theprogram run.
This program can be repeatedly executed because only derivations areposted. Please note that all resulting documents are assigned to theoriginal budget or the releases.

If you are using the active availability control, you must reconstructthe assigned values after you have executed this program.
If you are using budget surcharges (European Commission customergroup), you must recalculate the budget surcharges after havingexecuted this program.

Execute this program in the background.
Reconstruct the assigned values if required.
European Commission customer group: Recalculate the budget surcharges